Chapter 17

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It's 3am and I'm waiting for my taxi, "Jason please don't worry, I will phone you whenever I get the chance and I will tell you as much as I can and I will be back as soon as possible" he pulls me into a tight hug "I'm not sure I'm going to be able to cope with you leaving, Rocky has been whimpering since yesterday, how's Echo?" "Echos upset but he understands, I think hellhounds are wired differently to werewolves, but I know I'm definitely going to miss you, that's why I have taken one of your jumpers" "cheeky" I grab some keys out my back pocket and hand them to him "your keys to the house, whenever you want to visit or need some time by yourself your welcome" "thank you sweetheart, at the rate Rocky is pacing I might be here a lot". Just then the taxi pulls up, I pull back from our hug and kiss him with everything I have all my emotions "I love you Jason, and I'm coming home" "I love you too, and you better" wow that's the first time I have ever said I love you to anyone. I climbed into the taxi and faced the front, I knew if I turned round I would start crying and a soldier doesn't show emotions.
Wright didn't pass medical but as soon as he is fit he will join us, so we were going to use someone from Delta but they are now on a mission so Wright is not being replaced but it will depend when Delta get back.  We are all sitting at the airport waiting to board when Turner turns and stares at my neck "Knightly you got a new tattoo?" "Huh" "on your neck, a moon or something" oh Jason's mark "Yeah a new tattoo, yeah of a wolf in front off a moon, I like it" shrug my shoulders and go back to reading this awful magazine. "How many tattoos you got now?" I look up from the magazine "ummmm 12 I think" the group then all start talking about tattoos but I've switched off.
We are a couple of hours into our flight when Matt starts talking to me "you ok?" "Yeah I'm good, why?" I'm confused by his question "I wasn't sure if Echo is ok" "Oh, he is fine a bit restless, he has taken a liking to Jason" I probably need to speak to Jason about telling Matt about everything  "should we tell the boys we are not re-enlisting?" "Yeah I think we should, but we can do that later, for now we should try and get some sleep because I don't think we are going to getting much of that any time soon"
We have been at base camp 24 hours and are now in the briefing room, myself and Matt, decided to talk to our teams together, we are all huddled round the table with warm drinks.
"Guys" Matt gets everyone's attention "so my self and Payton decided to tell you all together" "your getting married" Carter shouts out making everyone laugh and Matt just rolled his eyes, for some reason Matt always got on better with my team, I mean he was close with his but he acted more caring to my team and they did to him "God no, sorry Payton" "no offence brotherrrrrr" I said with a smirk
"Anyways as Matt was saying we will both finish our second 4 year tour after this show down and we have both decided that we are done, we came in together and we are leaving together, I don't know who will replace us yet but we thought we should let you know, so you can decide what you guys what to do, if you want to go for the Lt position I'm happy to put in a good word" we then split off into our individual teams. "Does Wright know?" Johnson asked I nodded "yeah I sent him an email at the airport" "Well I will go first then and say, you will be missed but I can understand, I've decided I'm leaving but I'm 6 months after you, but I have been talking to the barracks and there is a position going for a trainer, usually I would start once my tour is over but they are looking see if I can transfer over after this show down as you called it Payton" Carter said "congratulations, Carter, I'm guessing your training the snipers" he nodded "don't worry about me, I'm all sorted" Johnson said with a wink "what does that mean" "I've had a couple of tech companies chasing me about working for them because of my wonderful hacking skills" we laughed "well I guess if we are all sharing" Turner said whilst scratching the back of his neck he does this when he is nervous "I was gonna tell you after this op but well I'm getting promoted to Lt so I think if you don't mind can you put in a word so I can take over the Alpha team from you, I mean if you think I'm good enough" he finally looked at me "congratulations Turner that's amazing yes of course I will, you should definitely be the one to take over from me, how long you still signed up for ?" " well as of now I have 2 and a half years left" they all patted him on the back "that just leaves Wright, but we can speak to him another time" Carter stated and we all nodded I looked at my watch and then over to Matt who was deep in conversation with his team "Attention Alpha and Beta teams, please get into your training gear and meet myself and Matt out at the train ground in half an hour, you are dismissed" everyone got up and left the room. This is gonna be a long tour.

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