Chapter 1

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I'm woken up to a bucket of cold water, then another and another awww my daily shower. I turn to my left to see Johnson, Wright, Golden then to my left is Turner and Carter getting the same treatment.
Why do I do this to myself, I signed up for the army at 18 did my 4 years then re-enlisted for another 4 years I must really enjoy the pain, note the sarcasm, at 25 I should be down the pub or playing footy nope I'm in hell and it's fucking hot and dusty, I'm sick of sand, but I also love the SAS it's my family I don't know another way, I think I would suck at being a normal person, I thrive on this, well not this position I'm in at the moment, this position is painful and well shit.
Wright is not looking to good, even though we all look beaten up they have taken extra measures to make sure his beatings are worse and no one can work out why maybe because he looks like the youngest which he isn't, he just has a baby face. My wrists and feet are so sore from the chains, blood is covering most of my body, tho the water helps a bit, we are all chained up against a wall, we are still in the same clothes from when we got caught, tho my top is more like a rag now.
Once the water boys leave, I do my check "hay guys, you ok, how are the feet and wrists? Golden how is your chest?" I get grunts and nods in reply.
"Golden answer me" "I'm.....ok, definitely broken my ribs this time" he is definitely not ok, he is barely staying awake. The rusty metal door creaks open and the devil himself walks in
"how are my boys today? Liking the service we are providing?....... No.........ok, time for some fun, our contestant today is Lt Knightly, boys" he turns to the men behind him "please bring our contestant down" I struggle against them but we have been here weeks and are very weak from lack of food and daily beatings, I get dragged over to the metal table and thrown on it then tied to it like a starfish, there is dried blood on the table and all around the floor, no one likes to clean up.
He walks over to a smaller table that has the usual torture equipment, we have been at this for weeks they want information we don't give it to them, I am actually surprised we are still alive I would have thought his patience would have given in by now, he picks up a scalpel and comes for my face, he lightly runs it from my eye to my mouth "such a pretty face it would be a shame to mess it up, now tell me what I want to know, what were you looking for at the base, who told you where the base was?"
"As we said before, the information was given to us by sleepy, grumpy......." He screams at me then punches me in the stomach a couple of times and then in the face, he then picks up the scalpel just as gun shots are heard, we all look at the door as a shot goes off and down goes the bad guy "your taxi service has arrived" "thanks Elliott, now could you untie us?" He unties me first and helps me off the table as I hobble over to Turner and Carter as he goes to Johnson and Wright, Johnson then helps down Golden, who needs to be carried by Johnson and Wright, "Get him to the helicopter now, Elliott you got any spare guns on you?" "Really, here, but are you sure, you look awful?" "Thanks" I look at him unimpressed, he then confirms with his team "confirmation that Joker is down, joker is down we have the Alpha Team, ones in bad shape coming at you guys now" we pass some of his men and they give guns to Carter and Johnson, we look around the rest of the compound looking for King. "Is he still here?" I said to Elliott who is behind me, we are all walking down a narrow corridor
"yeah, Well the tracker you put on him, has been a bit inconsistent but as of 2 hours ago he was here, I don't know about Ace or Queen tho", we turn at the end of the corridor to find a cellar, it's dark and very still, we clear the cellar when I notice a hole that has been dug in the wall, " guys over here, we have an escape tunnel, I have to bend slightly as I am 6 foot 2 and the tunnel is probably 5'11 at best, we are running through the tunnel when it ends in the woods and guns are quickly going off, I go for cover but it's too late I'm shot in the shoulder but then I see him The Queen I run full speed at him and take out his legs and punch him in the face making him unconscious, I start to feel dizzy, "Lt Knightly is down, Lt Knightly is down" I vaguely remember being put on the helicopter but mostly I remember darkness.

What a way to start the story go Lt Knightly.

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