08 | I'm disgusting

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"How was your food?"Taehyung asked Jungkook as the two of them came out of the kitchen, entering the big hall again.

"It was very delicious."Jungkook spoke with a embarrassed smile. "Good, i would like to give you more."

"But only if you're willing to."Taehyung immediately said, while holding his finger straight at Jungkook's eyes.

"I-i want to."Jungkook whispered, looking down.
"You want what?" Taehyung repeated angry.

"I mean."I want to, master."Jungkook quickly corrected his own words. "Fine."

"Well, we have to wait." Most importantly is you behaving the way i want you to."

"That's not fair you know, suddenly kidnapping me and have all control over what i do or say."Jungkook immediately brought his hand to cover his mouth, but was already to late.


"It's not like you loved your life back at home or anything, am i right?"Taehyung yelled mad.

Jungkook immediately cramped. He didn't dare to move an inch nor say anything. Taehyung grabbed the younger's wrist with an strong grip, making the younger flinch and scream from pain.

Taehyung didn't care about anything at the moment. The elder was to furious about the younger talking back to him. He hated it when his doll's acted like they were important to him or even someone.

He didn't kidnap them to fall in love, that's for sure. He only wanted them to feel what he felt all this years. Deep inside he knew it wasn't fair, especially to Jungkook who already hated his life.

He just didn't know how to love someone. He knew something. Of course he cared about the 5 other guys around the castle.

But the elder hated the word: in love.

Taehyung hold Jungkook tight as he pulled the younger along the hallway. "I wanted you to spend some time outside of your room today, but i guess i won't."

"You're talking back to me, means punishment, doll."Taehyung grinned before opening the door.

The elder pushed Jungkook through the door and immediately closed it. "Have fun in there!"

"If you behave, i maybe come back later today."it's your choice."With that said the the younger heard the footsteps slowly fading away from the room.

Jungkook shrugged through his knees and let Himself fall down to the ground. What did i do, what did i do?!

"It's not fair, he's always mad."Jungkook whispered to himself. The younger raised his head to look at the cold dark room. He felt the cold concrete floor under his body again.

He even felt the cold breeze filling up the room, giving the Younger goosebumps. He wished he had behaved better. He could have been in The master's room now, but he totally ruined it.

The younger started to feel more emptiness inside of him everyday. He felt lonely and horrible. He didn't even know if he got a good reason for it.

Sure being kidnapped isn't something to celebrate, but it's not like it's any worse here than at home. He hated both placed so much.

There still was a difference between the 2 places. The younger didn't have good people back at home. But here was different. He knew he was kidnapped and didn't forget at all.

He met Jin and Jimin and had to admit both of them weren't that bad. Jimin was cheerful and liked talking to him. He met Jin just one hour ago and he was some older than him.

Still he liked him. Jin's smile filled up the whole room, making the younger feel safe for the first time. Jin's food was amazing & he talked a lot to the younger.

Jin told him about the 2 guys he didn't meet yet, called: Namjoon & Hoseok. He had to admit to be curious about the 2 of them.

Ooh & don't forget Yoongi of course. Jimin really likes his boyfriend, which is normal. Yet Jungkook didn't know what to think of the elder.

Yoongi made him scared the very first day he was here. Still the younger knew it probably all was planned by the one and only Taehyung.

About Taehyung, Jungkook didn't like him. Of course not! Yet the younger couldn't deny the feelings he had.

The elder's voice at first. It was deep and soft, which made Jungkook feel warm. His appearance was hot and beautiful. From the outside Jungkook could definitely fall for the older.

But when thinking about him he felt disgusted. His inside was the total opposite. Even if the elder had his reasons, it wasn't okay.

Jungkook pulled himself up and looked around the room. Is he that disgusted of me? He really likes locking me up in this horrible room, doesn't he?

Well in that case, he's right. I'm disgusting and don't deserve a life, but he isn't the nicest either.

Jungkook walked towards the big black wall at the back of the room. He didn't hesitate once as the younger made two fists of his hands.

He tightly closed his eyes, before throwing the first punch. He opened his eyes right after looking at his fingers, becoming red immediately.

Jungkook kept repeating the same things, to distract himself. I deserve this, i deserve this, i deserve this!

He kept throwing punches harder and harder. His hands started bleeding and the pain was worse, yet the younger didn't stop.

He threw and threw both of his hands against the wall. Even the black wall saw a lot of red now. Should i get in trouble for this?

I don't even care anymore!

The younger wanted to throw another punch, which he was planning for to throw the hardest of all.

Ready to throw his punch he threw his hand towards the wall, closing his eyes to less the pain. But suddenly he stopped.

His hand didn't even reach the black wall anymore. 2 warm big hands grabbing him from behind, pulling him away from the wall, made the younger flinch.

Jungkook blinked a few times before opening his eyes fully, meeting the mad and strict eyes of Taehyung.



Y'all think he's actually mad or nah?

Mafia's like him.. {TAEKOOK}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin