10 | Let me protect you

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"You ready to take a shower now?"The elder spoke leaving the bathroom, finding the younger in the same position as he left him just a few minutes ago. "I-I."Jungkook stuttered as he didn't know what to say nor do.

"We're gonna eat breakfast in about 30 minutes, U are available to join, right?"Taehung spoke, drying his hair with the towel. "Y-yeah, I-I am."Jungkook said, sighing quietly right after.

"I know you're scared Kook, but the only one who can touch you here without my permission, is myself."Taehyung grinned greepy. Jungkook swallowed the lump through his throat, but actually felt relieved to hear that.

"I'll protect you."Taehyung smiled while pushing the younger, leading him the way towards the bathroom.

"I have your towel and new clothes ready."they're on the edge of the sink."Taehyung said, closing the door after. Giving the younger his alone time.

Jungkook smiled a bit right after the door was closed. He isn't that bad all the time! Sometimes it's actually better to be here than at home:{

A few minutes later Jungkook got out of the shower. he dried himself off and put on the new clothes Taehyung just gave him.

It again was a simple sweater with jeans, which Jungkook loved to wear. Jungkook made sure to leave the bathroom clean, so the elder wouldn't complain about it to him as his mother does.

Jungkook actually wanted to know how his mother was doing. It has already been a few days he's been here, he know his mother was desperated and looking for him as much as she could. And not because she cared, not at all.

Just because she wouldn't have the joy and fun she had while abusing the young boy. Jungkook opened the bathroom door, immediately meeting the elder's eyes as he raised his head.

"Aah, you're done?"Taehyung asked smiling.

Jungkook just nod, scared to speak. "Great, we should go then."Taehyung grabbed the younger's wrist and pulled him along outside of the room.

While walking through the long hallway, which would take about 2 minutes, Taehyung didn't take his eyes off the younger. He could see the fear in Jungkook's eyes.

He felt guilty and pity for him, as he knew the feeling of being scared way to good! Taehyung wanted to explain his story to Jungkook, but he knew it was to soon.

"Should we go in?"Taehyung asked Jungkook as he opened the same kitchen door, he left Jungkook the day before. Jungkook who was still tied up by Taehyung's firm grip, just followed the elder inside.

He immediately stayed hidden behind the latter when he saw the room full of people. Being in a crowded place, wasn't exactly Jungkook's favorite.

Taehyung chuckled at the others, while rolling his eyes a bit. "Why are you scared?"Taehyung whispered to the younger. "I-I'm not."Jungkook replied.

Taehyung sighed and turned around. "Baby, Look at me?"

Jungkook's heart stopped. When Taehyung's deep voice called him baby, he felt warm.

Jungkook raised his head, meeting the same eyes again. It gave the younger a warm and melting feeling. "They won't hurt you, nor touch you."

"I am here, remember?"Taehyung said caressing the younger's cheeks. Jungkook just smiled while nodding. Taehyung turned around again and wanted to start walking, but got distracted as the younger immediately grabbed the elder's hand.

Taehyung smiled softly, as he felt Jungkook's warm and sweaty hands, getting a firm grip on his hand. Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hand letting him know it was okay.

"Hi guys."Taehyung greeted the other by waving his hand. "Hi, Taehyungie."They yelled in unison. Taehyung slowly pushed Jungkook, so the younger stood next to him now.

"Jungkook, let me introduce everyone."Taehyung whispered into the younger's ears.

One guy immediately run up to Jungkook waving his hand in front of the younger. Jungkook run behind Taehyung as soon as the guy raised his hand.

"Calm man."

"Jungkook's mother abused him his whole life, so I wouldn't act so noisy while suddenly making move's like this, in front of him."Taehyung explained sighing.

"Aah, sorry."The guy replied smiling while getting back to his seat.

Taehyung managed to push Jungkook in front again. Jungkook looked scared at everyone, afraid someone would come to him he still hold the elder's hand.

"Okay, let me start."

"At the end of the table we have Yoongi, you've already met him."Taehyung said. Jungkook looked at Yoongi, immediately getting goosebumps all over, As Yoongi just stared him right into his soul.

"Next to Yoongi, sits Jimin, You also know him."

Jimin smiled at Jungkook with a wave, which made Jungkook chuckle a bit. "Then, On the opposite side of Yoongi, sits: Hoseok."He's very energetic, as you just saw him."Taeyung explained.

"Next to Hoseok, sits Namjoon."He's a doctor and don't fool him, he's to smart."Taehyung chuckled. Namjoon smiled while shaking his head. "Hi, Jungkook."he greeted the younger.

Jungkook waved his hand and greeted him back with a soft; "Hi."

Then last, but not least we have our Jin."You've ate with him, so know him for sure."Taehyung ended. Jungkook smiled at Jin and nod, answering Taehyung's sentence.

You can sit next to Jimin, I'll sit next to Jin."Taehyung pointed Jungkook's place.

Jimin moved Jungkook's chair for him, making the younger smile as he came towards him. "Hi, Kook."Jimin greeted Jungkook leaving his arm on the younger's shoulder.

"So, let's eat."Taehyung spoke as he was the last one to sit down at the table.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook one last time, making sure the younger was save. Seeing Jungkook laughing at Jimin, made Taehyung feel comfortable and relieved.

He's safe!


A/N; Taehyung can really be a sweetie, can't he? :}

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