02 | Obsessed

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"He looks weak."
"Do you really need him, Tae?"

"Maybe he isn't worth it."The boy whispered, as he was scared of getting a reply. Taehyung sighed loudly and rolled his eyes extravagent.

"Jimin, don't argue with me." I want him and only him." I don't mind if he looks weak, that would be a lot easier for me."Taehyung spoke grinning.

"Sure, I'm sorry."Jimin whispered hanging his head low. "Go, leave now." I'll be fine with him on my own for a while."Taehyung spoke to the elder.

Jimin bowed to his master and with that left the room, leaving Taehyung and the boy behind.

The elder walked towards the little boy who lay on the floor. He knelt by him and started to caress the younger's cheeks.

The little boy didn't answer. Taehyung heard nothing from him, not even a flinch. "You look, pretty." The elder whispered grinning.

"I'll come back later, to see if u can obey me!" Don't you dare to disobey me."Taehyung whispered one last time with the most evil smile of all.

With that said he stood up and left the room, leaving the unconscious boy behind.

* *

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, immediately feeling the cold breeze through his whole body. He slowly moved his head, to find himself lay on the ground.

A cold concrete floor full of dust and coldness. The young boy slowly managed to move his hands under his body and got himself to sit up.

He even tried to stand up, but felt way to weak to be able to stand up. His throat and stomach still hurt from his mother. He wondered how long he had slept before waking up.

"What am I doing here?"the young boy talked to
Himself. "You're kidnapped!"A unfamiliar voice sounded through the room.

Jungkook immediately flinched and moved backwards, hitting the wall hard. The young boy slowly caressed his own back with a hurting face.

"Don't be scared, you're his now!"He heard the voice grin. "W-who's?" Jungkook asked shivering.

"Tae's Property!"

"He chose you."

"W-what do you mean?"Jungkook asked getting more scared than ever. He could say he was even less scared of his mother.

"Wait and see, I need to go now."the voice laughed hard, but with that let the young boy felt alone again. "N-no, c-come back."Jungkook screamed, but didn't get an answer.

Jungkook started to tear up, but couldn't hold back. The tears escaped his eyes, rolling down his cheeks fast. Jungkook rolled his knees up to his body and wrapped his arms around his own body.

He softly hugged his own legs, leaving a bit of the fear behind. His breathe went up really fast. He could try really hard, but nothing helped him.

The young boy was scared. He never felt this kind of fear before, not even with his own mother. He was scared and it hurts him.


"He's awake, Tae."the older bowed to the younger. "Great, I heard you talked to him..."Taehyung smiled brightly.

"Yes yes, Tae."

"He's really scared, I could see it in his bones."The older replied. "Then I'll go visit him now."

"Great work, Yoongi, thanks." Tae said before leaving the elder behind. He made his steps towards the gaol again.

He put his key in the door and opened the door fast, closing it behind so the prisoner couldn't escape.

"Hello boy."Taehyung greeted the young boy with an undue wave. Jungkook flinched again and immediately moved closer to the back of the room.

"I see I see, you're very scared."

"I think you've never been kidnapped before, have you?"The master spoke smirking .

"W-why are you doing this?"Jungkook yelled whispered. "Uhum... no."

"You're not talking to me like this." I think we need to have a conversation about the rules first."

"First of all, I kinda saved your little ass." I have been following you for a while now. Your mother isn't really loving you, is she?"

Jungkool swallowed the lump in his throat.

"W-why am I here?"Jungkook asked again. "Cause I brought you."Taehyung said while taking a seat on the concrete floor.

He sat at the opposite of Jungkook, leaving the younger scared as hell. "Don't worry."

"I'm not even at the point of hurting you, you just caught my attention a while ago."Taehyung replied chuckling. Jungkook swallowed removing the lump in his throat.

"Why do you even need me? Nobody wants me."the younger sighed loudly. Taehyung looked hurt at the younger.

"I just saw you a few times before."you're gorgeous, darling."Taehyung spoke.

"No, I am not."Jungkook whispered, but loud enough to be heard.

"If I say you're beautiful, you are!"Taehyung spoke strict leaving his finger in front of the younger's face, almost pointing in his eyes.

Jungkook swallowed the few lumps through his throat, trying to whisper to himself, "it's okay"

"Now, I'm gonna grab you some clothes, so undressed yourself. When I'm back, you can change"Taehyung explained.

Jungkook didn't respond, but just watched until Taehyung closed the door, leaving him alone again.

What do I do? I have bruises all over my body, he can't see that! :(

Jungkook still managed to undress himself, cause he was scared. He immediately felt the cold concrete floor and a wave of cold air.

He put his sweater and pants on top op himself, trying to cover the bruises left my his own mother.

A few minutes later, Jungkook could hear the door opening again. Taehyung walked into the room with some clothes wrapped around his arm.

The older came into the room and throw the clothes towards Jungkook. "You can dress yourself now."Taehyung spoke.

"Can I please get some privacy?"Jungkook whispered scared. "Pff, Seriously?" It's not like you're naked!"Taehyung spoke sarcastic.


"Fine, fine."don't worry, I'm on my way out."Taehyung sighed loudly. "Call me when you're done, I'll wait in front of the door."

With that said, the latter left Jungkook alone again. Jungkook managed to stand up and grabbed the clothes, Taehyung gave him.

He looked at himself and felt disgusting. The scars were all on his chest and legs. Jungkook cried softly, so Taehyung couldn't hear him.

I'll just dress myself up then, i'll wonder if I even come out of here, alive??!!


Y'all hate Tae already?😑🤪

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