01 | Kidnapped

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Let the story begin!!!😊

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Let the story begin!!!😊


"Come here you little brat!"the woman shouted into the young boy's ear. Jungkook shivered immediately as he made himself as small as possible, rolling his body while wrapping his arms around his knees.

He felt one kick after another. His stomach hurts like hell, but he was already used to this feeling. As much as he tried to protect his stomach, his mother still managed to hurt him.

Not just hurting, but bleeding. Not just physically but mentally. He had to hear the same words every day again; "I reject having you, you should never be born at the first place."

And he would answer the same thing every day: "then kill me!"

But she never did. worse, she liked hurting Jungkook. Not because the boy did something wrong, but she had fun doing it.

Jungkook screamed every day; "please stop, you're hurting me." But it did her nothing, she only grinned more and laughed harder.

"Mom, p-please."

"I told you; DON'T CALL ME MOM!" I'm ashamed of you!"the woman yelled while giving him the hardest kick of all.

Jungkook coughed more and more, louder and louder. He lost his grip on his arms and lay on the floor, without wrapping his arms around his body.

His energy was gone. He couldn't live like this anymore. It had been like this ever since the day he was born. It got worse every day.

He knew if his mom would continue this, he would die someday, that's why he just needed to die before she could get the chance to.

If I die she won't have fun anymore, right? He though about that every single minute of the day.

"You're pleasuring yourself, huh?"Jungkook managed to get out of his hurting throat.

His throat has gotten all sore from yelling, but that's not what hurts him the most. The thing that hurts him the most is the thing he has never gotten.

Weird you think? It sounded weird to the young boy his ears at first, but he quickly became to understand it. Love

The feeling of being loved, being worth it, the feeling of having a family. He missed all of that. He never got to feel how it would be to actually love someone.

His dad left them before he was born. That's the reason he thinks his mom hates him. Because he resembles his dad to much.

His grandparents both died years ago, before he could get a chance to know them. And siblings? Of course not, Jungkook was an only child.

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