07 | Hi, My name is Jungkook

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After walking by a few doors, they finally entered one. Taehyung opened the door, pushing the younger through first.

"Hi, Taehyung."A boy immediately raised his hand and waved at the master. "Hi, hyung."Taehyung replied smiling.

Jungkook stood next to Taehyung, staring at his shoes, as he didn't know what to do or say at all.

"This is the boy I told you about, his name is Jungkook."Taehyung introduced the younger to the boy.

Jungkook raised his head and whispered with a little smile: "H-hi."This is Jin-hyung, our chef."Taehyung introduced the other way around.

"Hello, Jungkook."

"I've heard a lot about you already."You're hungry?"Jin asked chuckling. "Y-yes, I am."Jungkook replied smiling brightly.

Taehyung looked at the younger getting this excited about some food. His mother clearly didn't feed him well. He thought smiling at the younger.

"Well, I'm gonna go then."Taehyung suddenly spoke at the two in front of him. "Y-you aren't gonna eat?"Jungkook asked whispering.

"Nah, I'll eat something later."I still have a lot of work to do, I'll pick you up in one hour."Taehyung smiled at the two.

"Sure, Tae." I'll take good care of him."Jin chuckled. Taehyung nod at Jin. He walked towards Jungkook and put his hand on top of the younger's head.

He rubbed his hand through the latter's hair and looked strict at him. "Behave well, or you'll get punished." With that said the elder smiled one last time before leaving them behind.

Jungkook swallowed the big lump through his throat as he watched his master leaving him behind.

"So, you already like him?"Jin suddenly interrupted the silence. Jungkook chuckled, but didn't nod.

"Who said that?"Jungkook smiled softly. "Nobody, I can read it from the way you look at him."Jin whispered.

Jungkook's eyes immediately grow big, but the younger immediately shook his head. "No way, he kidnapped me."

"I won't like someone who tortures me."Jungkook spoke determined. "I know about your mother, I wouldn't like her either.

"But Tae's different."I know you know that too."Jin Whispered into the younger's ear, leaving goosebumps all over Jungkook's body.

"Can we go eat now, please?"Jungkook said, trying to change to topic. Jin chuckled brightly, but nod.

"Sure, we can."

"Here, sit on this chair."Jin pointed Jungkook a big soft chair to sit on. The younger immediately felt comfort in that big chair.

It made him feel safe and warm.

"I made: kimchi, bibimbap, and fish."Jin chuckled while explaining all the food on the table.

The younger looked at every dish, making his stomach growl out of hunger. Jin sat down at the opposite of the younger.

"Here, you can grab anything you want."Jin said giving Jungkook the big spoon. Jungkook didn't even hesitate as he served all the food in front of him, on his own plate.

"W-what do you want me to call you?"Jungkook asked smiling at the elder in front of him.

"Just, Jin-hyung is good."you won't have to call me the same as Tae wants you to."Jin teased the younger.

Jungkook nod happily. "Okay, hyung." Thank you for the food, it's delicious."He continued smiling as he brought another spoon with food inside of his mouth.

"I'm glad you like it."Jin said smiling.

"Is this the room, where you all have breakfast, lunch and dinner?"Jungkook suddenly asked, bringing another spoon to his mouth.

"Kinda yeah."

"This room is mine favorite place, if you want to find me, I'm probably here."Yoongi and Jimin eat here, I'm sure you've met them already."

"So do, Hoseok and Namjoon."you will get to know them soon enough."us 5 are the closest to Tae."

"You're only allowed in this room when Tae trusts you enough." All other people around this castle, have their food in their room or the big hall in the begin."

Jin explained the story, gasping for breathe right after. "A-and what about, Taehyung?"Jungkook spoke.

"Well, sometimes he eats with us, sometimes he doesn't eat." He's to busy with a lot of things, he eats at his own room often too."Jin ended the explaining.

Jungkook just nod, as he didn't want to ask more, scared he would judge him. "I think if you eat here more often, Tae would eat here more often too."Jin teased the younger.

"W-why tho?"Jungkook asked scared.

"Cause everybody who knows Tae can see he likes you more than every other guy he ever kidnapped."Jin whispered towards the younger.

Jungkook swallowed the big lump through his throat, almost choking on his food.

Jimin said that too! Why does he like me so much? There's nothing special about me at all!!!


Wow, i really enjoy writing this🥰

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