09 | Scared or Relieved?

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Jungkook sat on the elder's bed. He didn't dare to look at him even once, nor say anything. Taehyung came into Jungkook's room a few minutes ago.

He had seen the younger punching the wall, making the black wall see red. At first he thought he cared about his wall, but he felt horrible seeing the younger hurt himself.

He knew about his mother who hurts him already, but him doing it himself is making it worse.

Taehyung had his first aid kit next to him, while he was taking care of the younger's wounds. Jungkook didn't say anything since Taehyung asked him what he was doing.

Jungkook couldn't say it was because of Taehyung, could he? "Jungkook?"

The younger raised his head, being shocked as the elder didn't call him doll, but his name. Taehyung looked into the younger's eyes, which were full of tears.

Taehyung still hold Jungkook's hand while he looked at the younger. "Tell me, is it because of me?"

Jungkook swallowed the lump through his throat. "M-maybe."the latter stuttered. "I don't want you doing this again, understood?"Taehyung said strict.

Jungkook couldn't stop himself anymore, as the tears started falling down his cheeks. Taehyung immediately grabbed the younger's back, pulling him into an hug.

Jungkook flinched at first, but wrapped his arms around the elder a bit later. He immediately felt safe again. Why did he feel like someone actually cared about him?

"You won't go back to that room now, I'm gonna keep an eye on you."Taehyung spoke strict, while still holding the younger.

"W-why are you so nice to me?"Jungkook asked whispering. "That's something, I'll tell you someday, but not today."Taehyung whispered back into Jungkook's ears.


"Hyung, you don't understand!"Jungkook has been through something horrible."His mother abused him & he just did selfharm."

"I can feel how miserable he felt and it's not fair to punish him for that."So you've decided to let him stay in your room?"Jimin asked chuckling.

Taehyung just nod confident. "And you think he wants to share a bed with someone who kidnapped him?"Yoongi continued.

"I know he would."I know he likes the feeling when I hug him, cause someone finally cares about him."

"So you're just playing with his feelings?"Jin said frowning his eyebrows. "Well, maybe a bit."

"But that doesn't matter, I won't bring him back."

"Do you actually care about him, huh?"Namjoon laughed out loud. "Sure he does, he finally loves someone."Hoseok giggled.

"Just shut up, all of you!"Taehyung yelled mad, sighing loudly. "We're just teasing you, man."Jimin rolled his eyes sighing right after.

Taehyung looked at the 5 of them, before angry leaving the kitchen. They just finished eating.

Jungkook was still in Taehyung's room. The elder had asked if Jungkook wanted to join them, but he didn't. The younger was still scared of meeting everyone at once.

He didn't even know Namjoon & Hoseok yet. Taehyung accepted it, as he knew he didn't want to force the younger. The latter had been through so much for the past few days, that Taehyung left him.

Taehyung past through the big hallway opening the door at the last room. He quietly entered the room, knowing there was a possibility Jungkook would be sleeping.

Taehyung was right. He saw the younger lying on the big sized bed, holding himself to keep him warm. His eyes closed tightly. Taehyung could see the red puffy eyes and guessed the younger had cried himself to sleep.

The elder walked towards the bed grabbing a blanket and pulling it over Jungkook's body. "You shouldn't get a cold, sweetheart."The latter whispered into the younger's ears.

Taehyung decided to lay down next to the younger, to keep an eye on him. As soon as the elder lay on the bed Jungkook moved to his side. Without thinking about it he lay his head on the chest of his master, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's side.

Taehyung flinched a bit, but knew the younger was just sleeping. It would be pathetic to wake him up, wouldn't it?! Taehung smiled at the younger, as he caressed the younger's cheeks.

"Sleep well, baby."Taehyung whispered grinning before closing his eyes.


Jungkook yawned as the younger opened his sleepy eyes. He immediately got his big eyes coming out of his face, as he saw himself wrapped around the masters waist. He slowly raised his head to meet the smiling eyes of the elder.

"Goodmorning."Taehyung teased him.

Jungkook immediately sat up blinking a few times. "Kook, it's fine."You were sleeping here last night, when I joined my bed you suddenly wrapped your arms around me."

"If I didn't want it to happen, you would already be lying on the ground."the elder said as he got out of bed. Jungkook just swallowed the big lump through his throat, scared to meet the master's eyes again.

"Aah yeah, from now on, just call me; Taehyung or hyung."With that said the elder left the younger behind, entering the bathroom to take a shower.

Jungkook Couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. "T-taehyung-hyung."Jungkook whispered into himself. "Why is he acting all nice suddenly?"

I don't know if I should be scared or relieved?!


What do y'all think of Taehyung's sudden acting like a nice guy:}

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