Tag Team Champions

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Sasha's POV:

June 5th, 2020. I just pinned Nikki Cross to win the tag team championships! I was in complete shock that I had actually won. We got backstage and I hugged Bayley.

"You did it, Sash! I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed.
"I can't believe it, we did it!" I replied.

She kissed me before we walked to the photoshoot area.

After the shoot, we went back to our locker room. She shut the door behind us and placed her titles on the bench. I put mine next to hers and looked at her.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"No," she whispered, "everything's great."

She smiled at me before kissing me. I kissed her back and we made out in the locker room for a few minutes. I slowly pulled away and looked up at her. I smiled at her before I went over to my suitcase. I grabbed my clothes and saw that Bayley had hers as well. I motioned my head towards the showers and she nodded. We went in and placed our clothes and towels down before having our shower.

Friends To Lovers 🤍 (Sasha Banks X Bayley)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora