Telling The World

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Third Person POV:

Sasha and Bayley were backstage planning out what was going to happen with Roman Reigns.

"Okay so, Roman is going to walk over to Sasha and ask her what she's doing later after raw. After Sasha answers he's going to ask to go out for dinner. I'm gonna walk back down the hall and tell him to stop talking to her and he'll ask why and I'll explain why to the WWE universe and the rest of the locker room," Bayley explained.
"Sounds good to me," Sasha answered.
"Me too," Roman replied, "congrats on your relationship too by the way."
"Thank you," Sasha and Bayley replied at the same time.
"Well I'm gonna go get ready for this segment, see you guys in a few," Roman told them.

Sasha hugged Bayley after Roman left.

"What if nobody else accepts us?" Sasha asked as she began to cry.
"Sasha, don't cry it'll be okay," Bayley told Sasha as she hugged her, "please don't cry, you'll make me cry," she told her once again kissing her head.
"I can't help it. I always grew up being told I would find some man and have kids, but I love you," Sasha responded.
"I was told the same thing baby, but we don't have to live like that," Bayley stated.
Sasha wiped some of her tears, " but what if we lose some of our closest friends? After not telling them and then of course, us not being 'normal' like everyone else."
"Sasha, I love you. It doesn't matter whether people support us or don't, I will always love you."
Sasha looked up and smiled at Bayley, " I will always love you too," Sasha returned as her and Bayley kissed.

Bayley's alarm went off and they knew there was no turning back from this decision.

"Are you ready?" Bayley asked Sasha as she wiped some of the tears off of Sasha's face.
"Yeah, I'm ready," Sasha answered.

They kissed before walking out to the hallway. They were about to tell the whole world about their relationship. Sasha was scared that nobody would want to be her friend anymore because she liked girls. Bayley opened the door and they walked out. The tv guys were set up outside of the room.

"We're live in 3,2,1."

Bayley and Sasha were saying goodbye to each other before Bayley walked away. Roman walked up to Sasha and started talking to her.

"Hey Sasha, glad to see you back on raw," he said as he stopped in his foot steps.
"I'm not medically cleared yet, but I came to watch."
"Well do you have any plans later tonight?"
"Uhm, I'm not sure Roman."
"Well maybe we could go get din-," he was interrupted by Bayley.
"Stop talking to her," Bayley yelled out.
"Now why do I have to do that?"
"Because she doesn't want to talk to you, Roman."
"Now why wouldn't she want to talk to me? I'm the most handsome guy on this roster,"
"Because she's-" Sasha interrupted Bayley.
"Because I'm Bayley's girlfriend."
Roman put a shocked look on his face to play it off.
"Oh, I'm so sorry girls. I'll leave now."
"Don't worry about it," Bayley told him as she wrapped her arm around Sasha's hips while Roman walked off.
Bayley and Sasha turned to each other and kissed before it faded into a commercial.

Sasha and Bayley walked back into their locker room. Sasha started breathing heavily after Bayley closed the door. Bayley saw Sasha, who was now sliding down the wall, and immediately rushed over to her.

"Sasha, please, what's wrong?" She asked Sasha.
"I- I can't breath. I- I can't believe we just did that."
"Sasha take a deep breath for me please," Bayley told her as she held onto Sasha's shoulders while looking at her.
"I can't. I just made a fool out of myself in front of everyone. That'll be on the internet forever."
"Hey, you didn't embarrass yourself at all. We just told everyone the truth."
"Sasha. Breathe. I love you, that's all that matters. You hear me? Sasha I love you."
Sasha took a deep breath, "I love you too Bayley, I really do. But, I don't know how to feel."
"It's okay Sasha. Just breathe. Hearing you say 'I love you' is enough. You don't have to prove anything to me because I know you're telling the truth. I love you so much Sasha, nothing will change that."
Sasha smiled at Bayley before she kissed her.
"My match is next, are you going to be okay here by yourself?" Bayley asked.
Sasha nodded.
"Okay, I love you."
"I love you too Bayley."

Bayley walked out of the room and closed the door. Sasha stood up and locked the door, since she was scared to see anyone else. She watched Bayley's match on the tv that was on the wall. She smiled when she saw Bayley go out to the ring. Bayley was going up against Nia Jax. Sasha was worried about the match and whether or not Bayley would get injured.

After about 7 minutes, Bayley was winning against Nia. Sasha was still watching on in the locker room. Bayley set Nia up to give her the flying elbow from the top rope. She climbed up and jumped. Her elbow connected and she pinned Nia. 1,2,3! Bayley's theme song played as she walked back up the ramp. She went backstage and walked past everyone to get back to Sasha. She went back to the locker room and went to open the door. She realized it was locked so she knocked. Sasha unlocked the door and let Bayley in quick before she locked it again.

"What's wrong, why are you locking the door?" Bayley asked.
"I don't want to see anyone else right now."
"Okay Sasha, I understand. I'm going to take a shower, okay?"

Bayley grabbed her bag and went into the washroom to take a shower. Sasha sat out in the locker room, shaking, waiting for Bayley to come back out. After about 10 minutes, Bayley came back out and saw Sasha. She went over and sat on the bench with her and hugged her. Bayley was still warm, so Sasha turned to her and gave her a full hug. She layed her head on Bayley's shoulder and kept hugging her. They stayed like that for about 10 minutes.

"I love you Bayley, with all my heart," Sasha told Bayley.
"I love you too Sasha, with all of my heart too," Bayley returned.

Sasha looked up at Bayley and sniffled. They kissed for a few moments, before pulling away.

"Raw is over now, we should probably get going," Bayley told Sasha.
"Okay, but can we wait a few minutes to make sure everyone's gone?" Sasha asked.
"Of course baby," Bayley answered, hugging her again.

They waited about 5 minutes before leaving the arena. They got into the car and Sasha held Bayley's hand. Bayley drove back to the hotel. Once they got their, they went up to their room and changed into their pajamas. They layed in the bed and Bayley was hugging Sasha from behind. Soon enough, they both fell asleep.

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