6 Month Part 3

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Third Person POV:

Bayley started up the car and drove off to their next stop. She drove for a few minutes before pulling into the parking lot of a fancy restaurant. Sasha's face glowed up as they parked.

"What is this place? It's packed and I've never heard of it before," Sasha stated.
"It's a restaurant I went to when I first came to Boston, it's really good," Bayley told her.
"Okay, let's go in," Sasha replied.

They got out of the car and went in.

"We're early for our reservation," Bayley told Sasha, "we have another 10 minutes."
"I have to use the washroom anyways," Sasha told her as they went in.

Bayley showed Sasha where the washroom was as Sasha followed. Bayley waited outside of the stalls for Sasha. Once Sasha finished up, she washed her hands and went over to Bayley.

"We still have 5 minutes," Bayley smiled at Sasha.
"Okay," Sasha said as she locked the washroom door.

She grabbed Bayley's cheek and kissed her lips. The kiss turned into a make out session for about 5 minutes. Bayley's watch buzzed as she saw what time it was.

"It's our time," she told Sasha.
"Okay," Sasha replied as she frowned.

They walked out of the washroom and went back to where you get seated. They got seated by a server. They sat a booth that was by a window. They looked at the menu and Sasha smiled at all of the options. The server came back and took their orders, Sasha got a steak with mashed potatoes and a glass of red wine. Bayley ordered some enchiladas with a glass of sprit. They talked about different things while they waited for their food. The server brought it over and they thanked her. They continued to talk while they ate their dinner. Once they finished, the server gave them their bill. Bayley paid for it just before they left.

"Thank you for this day, it couldn't have been any better," Sasha told Bayley as they walked out.
They got into the car and then Bayley told Sasha something.
"It isn't over yet, Sasha."
Sasha smiled at Bayley but had no clue what she meant. Bayley started up the car and drove back home.

Friends To Lovers 🤍 (Sasha Banks X Bayley)Where stories live. Discover now