Sasha's Birthday

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Bayley's POV:

Sasha had been doing better since what had happened a few weeks ago, and it was now her birthday. I woke up early in the morning and headed downstairs. There wasn't much that I could do for her birthday where it was winter, but I tried my best to find some things to do. I started by making breakfast for her.

Sasha's POV:

I could smell the food that Bayley was cooking downstairs. I got up and and went downstairs to find her.

"Good morning," I said as I walked over and hugged her.
"Good morning love," she whispered before kissing me, "happy birthday."
"Thank you," I answered.

She gave me a plate that had homemade waffles on it and told me the syrup was on the table. I thanked her and went to sit at the table. Bayley followed me with her plate and a bowl of strawberries. There was syrup and whipped cream on the table and a card. I gasped as I placed the plate on the table and sat down. She told me to open the card as she sat down next to me.

I read it out loud, "happy birthday to the best girl in the world. I hope today is amazing for you. I love you Sasha, happy birthday."
I smiled after I read it.
"Thank you," I exclaimed as I hugged her.
"I have some things planned for today too if that's okay with you," she told me.
"Of course it's okay," I answered, "it's basically a surprise."
She smiled at me before we began eating.

Once we finished eating, she took the plates out to the kitchen and told me I could go get ready for the day. I went upstairs and changed my clothes, then I went to the washroom to do my hair. A few minutes after, Bayley came into the room and hugged me from behind. I looked at her over my shoulder and smiled.

"I got you something," she stated.
"What is it?" I asked.

She backed up and opened a small box. I looked in the mirror, finishing my hair, when I felt her put a necklace on me. It had a hollow heart with a blue jewel in it. I gasped at it and once she clipped it for it to stay on my neck I turned and hugged her.

"Thank you Bayley, it's beautiful," I responded.
"Of course Sasha," she answered.

She grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. She told me that we were going to be going somewhere, but didn't tell me where. I got into her car and she drove into the city.

She pulled into the parking lot of an arcade that also had a bowling alley in it. We went inside and started with bowling.

We bowled for a few hours and I ended up winning. We moved onto the arcade and she bought us some tokens. We went and played the games for a few more hours until we were out. We took the tickets to the self ticket counter and put them into the machine. We ended up having 7500 points in total. We took the card over to the counter that had all the prizes. Bayley let me pick out all the prizes and I first picked a huge stuffed lion. I asked Bayley if she could leave for the next item because I had a plan. She agreed and told me she would be out in the car. Once she left the building, I picked out two ring pops with the remainder of our tickets. I thanked the lady that was at the counter before grabbing our prizes and leaving.

I went out to the car and put the stuffed animal in the back seat before going into the front.

"What did you get?" She asked.

I handed her the bag while I laughed. She was curious on what it was before she opened the bag and laughed.

"Ring pops?" She asked.
"Yep," I answered.

She laughed and shook her head before handing me one of them. We opened them and placed them on each others fingers, laughing the whole time. I kissed her after I placed hers on her finger. I told her we didn't have to eat them, since we were about to go out for dinner, so we just put them back into the bags.

Bayley took me to the restaurant that we went to on her birthday and our anniversaries. We got out of the car and I held her hand as we walked in. We were taken to a table and I ordered enchiladas and Bayley ordered quesadillas.

It took us about an hour in the restaurant before we left. We got home and Bayley told me to go into the living room. I went in and turned on the light to see another gift. I gasped and covered my mouth at what she had gotten me. There were gold covered roses. I turned around and hugged and thanked her.

"Today's been perfect," I whispered in her ear, "thank you."
"I'm glad you had a good day," she whispered back.

Then, she picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her waist. We began making out and she brought me upstairs. She layed me down on the bed and took my clothes off of me. She leaned back down and continued to kiss me. I slipped her shirt off before she moved down to my neck. I moved my head out of the way before taking her pants off of her. I could feel her hands moving across my arms and stomach as she moved back up to my lips. We continued to makeout until we needed air. She layed beside me and we looked at each other, smiling. I moved a piece of her hair out of her face before I pulled her towards me. We started making out again, one of her hands was on my shoulder while the other was rubbing my thigh. I had both of my hands on her shoulders, trying to keep her as close to me as possible.

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