The Next Morning / Day

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Third Person POV:

Bayley woke up in the morning, still cuddled with Sasha. The sun peaked through the curtains, which caused Bayley to wake up. She carefully sat up in the bed so she wouldn't wake Sasha up. She got dressed before leaving the room and going out to the kitchen. She decided to make something more simple this morning. She grabbed the eggs from the fridge and decided to make scrambled eggs and toast.

Meanwhile in the bedroom, Sasha slowly opened her eyes and stretched. She covered herself with the blanket and layed there. She smiled to herself as she looked at her hand. She still couldn't believe Bayley had asked her to marry her. It was like a dream come true to Sasha. She got out of the bed and put some clothes on. She walked out to see Bayley putting the plates of food onto the table.

"Good morning," Sasha whispered as she hugged Bayley.
"Good morning baby," Bayley returned as they broke apart.

Bayley motioned to Sasha to sit down at the table with her.

"So what're we doing today?" Sasha asked Bayley.
"I'm not sure. Maybe we can go pick out some paint colors for our new house? I assume you want to move in sooner than later," Bayley answered.
"That sounds great," Sasha smiled.
"Alright, there's the plan," Bayley responded as she held Sasha's hand.

Once they finished, Bayley grabbed the dishes from the table and put them in the sink in the kitchen. Bayley turned around to see Sasha in front of her. Sasha hugged Bayley and held her tight.

"Hey is everything alright?" Bayley asked.
"Of course, I'm just really happy today," Sasha smiled as she looked up at Bayley.

Bayley kissed Sasha before they left the room together. They went into the bedroom where Bayley got some clothes to go shower.

"Are you sure you're ready to move? We can wait you know," Bayley mentioned.
"I think so," Sasha answered, "it's just" she took a pause, "it's just that I've lived here for three years, one with you," she stated.
Bayley sat down on the bed with Sasha, "we don't have to move just yet," she told Sasha, "we still have 3 weeks to live here, we just payed rent last week, remember?"
"Sasha smiled at Bayley, "I love you," she responded as she smiled at Bayley.
Bayley kissed Sasha before saying, "come on, let's go," she whispered.

They left the bedroom and went to the washroom to shower.

After they finished, Sasha wrapped her towel around herself to go back to their bedroom to get her clothes. She changed into her clothes for the day before Bayley walked in.

"Ready to go?" Sasha asked Bayley as she put her hair up.
"Whenever you are," she answered putting her sweater on.
"Let's go," Sasha said as she grabbed Bayley's hand.

They went out to the entrance and grabbed their bags. Sasha checked that they both had their phones before leaving. They left the apartment and went down to Sasha's car. They got into the front and Sasha decided to drive. Before she drove into the street, Bayley kissed Sasha. Sasha smiled at Bayley before she backed out of the parking spot. Sasha held Bayley's hand as she drove to a Home Depot.

Once they arrived and got inside, they walked over to the paint swatch area. All the walls in the house were white, but Sasha wanted to paint some of the rooms in the house. They picked out a light blue for the kitchen and dining room, a light grey for the living room, but still didn't know what color to paint the halls and their room. They were going to keep the guest bedroom and the two spare rooms white, and would paint the spare rooms when they had kids.

"What about this for the halls?" Bayley asked as she grabbed a card from the wall.
It was grey, but it wasn't dark or light, more in the middle.
"I like that," Sasha replied, "and what about this for our bedroom?" She asked.
"If you like it then we will get it," Bayley answered.
It was a light color, almost white, but had a tint of brown in it.

They grabbed all the cards of the colors they wanted to buy and headed over to the counter. They showed the worker the colors they wanted and the brands of paint. They ended up with quite a few cans, so Sasha ran to get a cart. While they waited for the paint cans to be mixed, they walked down an aisle to get some more things they would need for painting. They got a few stir sticks, painting tape, paint brushes and paint rollers.

"When do you want to go paint and start packing?" Sasha asked.
"Whenever you'd like," Bayley answered.
"What if we start painting tomorrow and start packing later tonight? Or we can wait until later in the week. It's just hard to do all of this while we are still on the road," Sasha responded.
"We can talk more about it later," Bayley replied as she placed her hand on Sasha's shoulder while they walked back to the counter.

They collected their buckets of paint and placed them into the cart. They thanked the worker before walking over to a checkout. Once they paid, they brought the cart outside to their car. Bayley put all the paint cans and the bag of other things into the trunk while Sasha got back into the car. She closed the trunk and pushed the cart into the cart carrel. She got back into the car and held Sasha's hand.

"Where to next?" She asked.
"Well, I don't think there's anywhere else we need to go," she answered, "we can go home if that's okay."
"That's okay with me," Bayley told her.

They kissed before Sasha started the car up. She drove out of the parking lot and back to the apartment.

Sasha eventually parked the car in the parking lot at their apartment building.

"We should switch the paint into my car, in case we need to go anywhere else. I'd rather have us travel without the paint, and I was thinking we could go get other things in your car, if that's okay," Bayley told Sasha.
"Okay, sounds good," Sasha answered.

They switched everything into Bayley's car, they walked up to their apartment. Sasha was confused on why they switched everything to Bayley's car, but she didn't worry about it. They walked into their apartment and took off their jackets and shoes. Sasha walked to the living room and layed down on the couch.

"What's wrong love?" Bayley asked as she rubbed Sasha's leg.
"Nothing, I'm just tired," she answered.
"Did I keep you up last night?" Bayley asked as she layed beside Sasha.
"No," Sasha laughed, "no you didn't."
"Okay good," Bayley laughed as she kissed Sasha.

Bayley wrapped her arms around Sasha and they cuddled on the couch. Sasha yawned and within seconds Sasha fell asleep. Bayley layed there with her and fell asleep with her.

After a few hours, Sasha woke up. She slowly turned her head to see Bayley asleep beside her. She turned her head back as she smiled. She looked over at the clock that was on the wall and read that it was 4:55 in the afternoon. She stayed laying on the couch with Bayley and let her sleep. A few minutes later, Sasha felt Bayley pull her closer to her.

"Good morning," Sasha whispered as she laughed while turning over.
"Again," Bayley laughed with her.
"Are you hungry?" Bayley asked.
Sasha nodded her head, "come on let's go," she demanded.
"Go where?" Bayley asked.
"To make dinner," she replied as she pulled Bayley off the couch.

They walked out to their kitchen and decided they would make pasta.

"Shit," Sasha whispered to herself.
"What's wrong?" Bayley asked.
"We forgot to get boxes while we were out earlier," she told Bayley.
"That's alright," Bayley answered.
"No, I'll go get some while you finish up dinner," Sasha stated.
"Okay," Bayley started, "but be careful. It's already dark out."
"I know, I'll be back in about 20 minutes," Sasha replied.
"Okay, I love you," Bayley responded.
"I love you too," Sasha returned as she kissed Bayley.
Sasha walked out to their entry way and put her shoes on, "I'll be back Bayls," she yelled out.
"I'll be here Sash," she replied.

Sasha left the apartment and headed down to her car. Bayley stayed in the apartment and continued to cook their dinner.

20 minutes went by and Bayley had finished cooking their food. She worried since Sasha wasn't home yet, but decided she would wait a few more minutes. And then, her phone rang.

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