Wedding Planning

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Third Person POV:

It was now March, and covid had ruined all of Bayley and Sasha's wedding plans. They were going to get married in July, at the beach they had gone to twice before. Unfortunately, they were unable to do that now because everyone was in lockdown. They were currently trying to figure out a date they could have the wedding instead of in July.

"What about September?" Bayley suggested.
"That's too early, we don't know when any of this is going to be over," Sasha answered.

They were frustrated. Earlier in the day they had cancelled everything, the catering, the flowers, the cake, everything. Sasha was upset that they couldn't have a wedding like they wanted to. Bayley looked over to see Sasha covering her face while crying. Bayley began rubbing Sasha's back, trying to make her feel better.

"I already have my dress here, I might as well show it to you," Sasha stated in frustration.
"No!" Bayley quickly responded, "save it. Maybe later in the year we can get married without a wedding. You can wear your dress and show me then. We can do it in our backyard, and then we can have our big wedding once everything calms down."
"I'm just upset. We had all of this all planned out. I wanted this to be our happy moment," she cried out.
"Sasha, it doesn't matter how or when we get married, whether we have a huge wedding or wait to have the wedding and just get married," Bayley told her.
Sasha looked up at Bayley, "yeah, we could do that," she whispered.

Sasha hugged Bayley for a few minutes. She didn't want to let go of her. Bayley felt bad that she couldn't give Sasha the wedding she really wanted, but there was nothing more that she wanted than to marry Sasha.

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