DaWan's First Time pt2

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Last night, Friday night, we took DaWan with us on XB's party. Before going there, we asked DaWan to come to the condo so we can all ride together to the party in Qing's car. DaWan will also stay with us for one night because she intends to get roaring drunk.

The dress code for the party was stylish casual in colors. DaWan came dressed in black tshirt and light acid wash jeans. I feel like something is off in her outfit but I cannot seem to name it so I tapped Qing's arm and asked him for his opinion on DaWan's fashion.

Me: What do you think about her fashion?

Qing: Missing. Its not present. Thats what I think.

DaWan gasped. I nodded contemplatively.

Me: Yeah. I think you are right.

DaWan: My fashion sense is comfort before anything else.

Qing: (snorting) No. That's Dayu's fashion mantra. You have no fashion sense. Whatsoever. (sighing) Are you sure you two are not siblings? How can two people be so alike in so many ways but in no way related by blood?

DaWan and I rolled our eyes at him. I turned to DaWan and gave her a serious look.

Me: I cannot possibly take you to that party wearing that...looking like this. You have to change.

DaWan: To what? The only spare clothes I took with me are my pajama set and another pair of tee and jeans.

Qing: Goodness.

DaWan: (continuing) Now, unless you have clothes here that could fit me and won't make me look like I indeed rummage that outfit from your closet, (gesturing to herself) this is the best we have.

Qing and I stayed quiet while thinking. I look at my wristwatch.

Me: We still have time. We can pop into a shop and buy her an outfit.

Qing: (turning to me) You think.

DaWan: Ugh! You will not waste money on me.

Me: Its not wasting money. Its making you presentable. (sighing) Look, I know we are going to a party to get you drunk but someone is hosting this party for us. The least we can do is show some gooddamn respect to the host by going to his home looking like we made some fucking effort to at least dress up in the way they requested. This is basically Etiquette 101. Someone was kind enough to invite us, they will accommodate us, they'll feed us and give us free drinks. The least we can do is be presentable.

DaWan: (sighing) I guess.

Qing: (smiling) There is no guessing about it. Although, I would say, XB won't say anything mean because of how you dress. He's cool.

Me: Yeah, he is cool. But everyone there will wonder why we dragged someone unwilling with us to a party. (to DaWan) I'm sorry to say this, but you look like someone pulled to a party you don't want to attend so you decided to put no effort at all with how you dressed up or look.

DaWan: (wincing) I...I think I understand. After all is said and done, its a party. I should dress up a little. Not put on the usual thing I wear to school or when I am running an errand.

Me: (smiling) I know you will understand my point. You are smart. So, lets hit a shop and find something appropriate for you to wear. Don't worry, we won't go crazy. Just not a tee and jeans.

Both Qing and I are wearing pleated trousers. Qing is wearing a dark turtle neck shirt paired up with a crimson dinner jacket made of velvet fabric. My husband to be has minimum accessories on his body but he smells like a billion dollar and his hair looks glossy and smooth.

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