Golf Genius

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Its sneezy season, that time of the year when winter is starting to wane but its still bitterly cold that it promotes clogged nose. Or as Qing says it...

Qing: (frowning in disapproval) You took a nap again with your hair still wet...

Me: Well, if you are gonna put it like that...

Qing: I am putting it like that!

Me: (pouting) Why are you shouting at me?

Qing: Because you stand there with your reddened nose and sniffing like you are a cocaine addict about to blame something else for your reckless behavior.

Me: (grinning) Wow, you are getting good at being colorful in describing me. (nodding wisely) I am teaching you well.

Qing: You drive me insane, you know that, right?

Me: I took my vitamins diligently.

Qing: (confuse) What does that have to do with...?

Me: You should be happy with that. You said as long as I take my vitamins, I won't get sick. You lied to me.

Qing: I never said that.

Me: It was implied.

Qing: How?

Me: (shrugging) I don't know. Why do you insist on me taking my vitamins regularly?

Qing: So you won't get sick...

Me: Well, look at me and my reddened nose as I sniff like a cocaine addict...

Qing: (frustrated) Oh, fuck it! There is no winning with you! Argh! (walking away)

So, your Baba is not happy at the moment.

(Yeah, we read all about it...)

Its not my fault that Qing expects so much from me when he knows all along what a dipshit I am.


Fine, its my fault. And if you go to the supermarket and didn't see any tissue paper, thats my fault as well. I've been going through tissues like its going out of fashion. Because aside from sniffing like a cocaine addict as Qing colorfully said it, I am also blowing my nose like its Qing's dick. You know, with gusto.


Nevermind. I made amends by taking lemon ginger tea like I want to drown in them and taking my colds medicines. Qing was happy that I don't have the fever and still managed to cuddle with him. Except no kissing. We haven't kiss in for twenty hours now. Yes, this is what dying is. Not being able to kiss the person you love even though they are so close and able to touch them.

Qing: Stop being dramatic, this is your fault.

Me: Stop blaming me already. Is this how our marriage will be? You always blaming me?

Qing: No. I'm sure before our wedding you have already learned your lessons and changed your ways.

I stared at Qing and smiled.

Me: You are that optimistic? his arm) You have that much faith in me? I'm touched, Wang Qing.

Qing grew still, realizing what he just said.

Qing: (turning away) Nevermind. You will never change and I will spend our marriage life blaming you always for getting sick. (walking away)

Me: (to his back) I can change!

Qing: You can't! You're a stubborn selfish squirrel!

Me: (whiny tone) But you love me! Right?

Qing sighed so hard I heard him even if he is several feet away from me. I smiled. He is adorable.

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