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The Goddess next door taught me her recipe for vegetarian lasagna some months ago and yesterday, I cooked it for our dinner. I followed the recipe faithfully except for one thing, I didn't put dried or fresh oregano on my vegetarian lasagna because someone in our home almost died from it.

(We noticed you didn't mention that you are the one who almost killed Baba and JiJi with oregano...)

Details. Who cares about that? Anyways, instead of oregano, I put dried parsley on my lasagna and it worked somehow. Its taste almost the same as the Goddess' lasagna except hers is still better than mine of course. Qing loves it though with the breaded chicken breast I also cooked and I called that a success. We even have some leftovers and tomorrow, it will be Qing's turn to cook dinner.

The Goddess next door has suddenly turned soft vegetarian. She has another term for it but in my head, I called her diet "soft vegetarian". The Goddess has stopped eating red meat and settled for only eating chicken breasts and fishes as her main source of protein. But not fried fish, only steamed fish. I was shocked when I learned that while we were having some tea and sweet cakes on her home.

Me: (utterly confuse) But what will you use for dumplings?

Goddess: (rolling her eyes) You heard me say I will still eat chicken. I'll stuff my dumplings and steamed meat buns with chicken breasts from now on. Or mushrooms and tofu.

Mushroom and tofu? What?!

Me: (still confuse) Why? Pork dumplings is life? Right? Did someone lie to me about that?

Goddess: (laughing) Goodness you. You and your obsession with pork. (Sighing) I have to do this to convince Mr.Lim to also change his diet. You know he is getting on age...

Me: (suddenly concerned) Is he sick? Is he dying?

Goddess: (throwing some sugary flakes on me) Stop that! He is not dying. But he is in his sixties now and we decided that if he wants to see Candy graduate in college or walk down the aisle, he has to live long. And to live long...

Me: He has to live healthy. I see...

Goddess: (smiling fondly at me) Ah, to be young like you and Hot Roommate.

Me: (snorting against the rim of my teacup) Please, young? You seriously cannot be referring to me. I almost broke my back cleaning the oven the other day. My body has started its decaying process. I couldn't break dance the way I used to anymore.

The Goddess laughed. Anyways, thats that. The Goddess' change of diet is because she wants to encourage Mr.Lim to live healthier. I feel for her because I know despite her petite form, the Goddess loves a good slab of venison steak. Maybe she can have that on her cheat day. Note to self, make sure to know when her cheat day is so I can treat her with some venison steak.

What else there we can talk about?

Oh! Zhu Gege and Pau has tied the knot. Yup, finally Uncle and Auntie's unified dream has come true. Zhu Gege is finally married. He finally managed to tie down Pau and we all collectively let out a sigh of relief.

It was a beautiful ceremony on a beach front against the sun setting. All day that day the weather was beautiful. The grooms look absolutely handsome in their suits and their vows were heartfelt. It was a lovely day for Zhu Gege and Pau who were smiling all throughtout their reception party while receiving congratulations from everyone who attended their wedding.

Right now, they are on their honeymoon somewhere Zhu Gege and Pau didn't disclose to us. They left the morning after their wedding to God knows where and they are not posting anything on their social media accounts. They do send us messages though, to let us know they are fine. I think they also do videocalls on Auntie and Uncle because they are not worried for the newlyweds.

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