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Dear Diary,

This will be the last entry I will write on this journal. Not because I am done with writing. True, I have been having a hard time arranging my thoughts long enough for me to pen them down on my laptop but I still love writing, so I think I will persevere.

The reason why I think this will be my last entry in this journal is because I think I will be dying soon. And by soon I mean this weekend. You see, I was manipulated by my fiancé who took advantage of me during my moment of crisis and insanity. Qing saw an opening and like a merciless assassin, he took that chance to finally coerce me to agree...

To go to the gym and exercise with him.

(Dayu ah...)

I know. I know. I am deeply aware that I just signed my own death warrant. I'll take about 87% of the blame on this. That is why I am writing this entry. It has been a journey, my dear diary, and a pleasure on my part to write on you. I want to formally write my goodbye speech to the world and to all of you who has been kind to me and gene—...

Qing: (peering over my shoulder as I write) What are you doing?

Me: Writing my own eulogy. Or is it my own obituary?

Qing: (reeling back) What the fuck?

Me: (sighing) I just want people to know that I was here. That I have lived.

Qing: Dayu this about...?

Me: Yes. I know I won't survive it so I think its better that I write down my last words...

Qing: (coughing in surprise) Last words? Are you some kind of a messiah about to be crucified? For fuck's sake its just one afternoon in the gym. You'll be fine. Tsk!

Me: (glaring at him) Tsk? Tsk?! How dare you belittle my fear of excessive exercise in a place filled with unknown sweaty shirtless muscular men in tight gym shorts?

Qing: You'll exercise with me and our friends.

Me: (sneering) What do you mean "our" friends? They are just YOUR friends! I don't know all of you. When someone ask if I am with you guys, feel free to deny knowing me because its sure as hell that I will deny knowing any of you.

Qing: You snob.

Me: And you are a manipulative bastard. How dare you call me flabby?!

Okay, I am getting worked up again. You see, all these mess started one afternoon when I found myself lounging on the couch with this bastard. It was supposed to be a sweet moment of cuddles and kisses that ended up in a nightmare for me.

You see...Qing and I were lovingly teasing each other when his hands started tickling me.

Me: (happy as I thrash under his tickling fingers) Stop it! Don't! Wang Qing, I'm ticklish!

Qing: (grinning) Yes you are.

Me: Then stop! Stop!

Qing: Why? Why would I?

We laughed together as we play. When Qing finally granted me some mercy I was a tired mess in his chest. Qing hugged me tenderly. I feel a lovely high from his love for me.

Qing: (sighing) I love you so much, my Flabby Squirrel.

(Uh oh...)

Yes, thats the right reaction. I was, flabbergasted to hear him call me flabby.

Me: (pushing Qing away) What?

Qing: (confuse) What?

Me: (frowning at him) You called me flabby.

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