Birthday Plans

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This is, I think, the first time I will observe my birthday without Qing beside me...

(What?! Why?! Did something happened again?!)

Overreacting much? Look, he is not dead and no, we didn't broke up. Its just that I will go up in Heilongjiang for my birthday weekend. My birthday will fall on the Friday and that day, I will be with my parents and friends in my hometown. Qing has to be in another part of the country, specifically ShangHai, for a shooting and some weekend business meetings. Its a shame that those are the only dates available for him to shoot some scenes on his project and to meet some business associates of his family but thats his problem.

Actually, we were supposed to celebrate my birthday together but my mother called to ask if I want them to come down to Beijing when I suddenly had a bright idea of "what if I'm the one who goes home to celebrate my birthday with my family in our hometown?" or something similar to that.

And if you all noticed that in my first sentence I said observe instead of celebrate...well, its because Qing is a petty bastard who told me that I dare to call it celebration when he will not be with me.

Qing: Is it a celebration without me there?

Me: Uhm...yes. Why? Because of two reasons. One, its MY birthday and not yours. Two, because my life doesn't actually revolve around revolves around me.

Qing: Dayu ah, I thought we agreed that once my work in ShangHai is done, I'll go home to you here and we can celebrate the last hours of your birthday weekend together? If you go up to Heilongjiang, I won't make it to your birthday even if I contact Superman to fly me there.

Me: And I already told you, its alright if we won't be together on my birthday. Wang Qing, we have celebrated it together so many times already since we get year of not doing it won't hurt us.

Qing: Its just its your special day...

Me: Everyday I spent with you is a special day for me...

Qing: (scowling) Bullshit.

Me: (laughing) Right? Of course my birthday is an EXTRA special day. And I actually feel excited thinking I can celebrate it with my family and friends in the place where I grew up. I cannot remember the last time I celebrated my birthday there. Almost a decade now?

Qing: I still don't like it.

Me: (sighing as I unbutton my shirt) Suck it up and I'll suck your dick. (shrugging the shirt off) Now, who wants sex?

Qing pouted before pointing at himself. He is adorable. And yes, I gave him sex that time to shut his whining up. I don't care anymore. Sex works on Qing and thats that on that. Its a proven method and it worked this time as well because after letting him have his ways on me, Qing decided to be gracious in his defeat.

Qing: (as our bodies cool down after the vigorous exercise in bed) But you won't go there until your birthday, right? You'll only spend three days there.

Me: (lying on top of him) Yes. And you can always follow.

Qing: (wincing) I have engagements.

Me: (grinning) I know. My family and I will grill you and gossip about you as you are not there to defend yourself.

Qing: (eyes widening in worry) Then you should defend me.

Me: (snorting) Why should I do that? Just because I am marrying you? Nah, I don't want my family to think that I am totally whipped for you.

Qing: (running his palms on my back) I'll just send food to your family. I'll contact a local restaurant...

Me: Nah! Just give me the money and I'll order for my family. I'll tell them you paid for it.

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