Feel It Up pt2

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Friendly Doctor: You think its a tumor?

Qing: Well, its one theory. I mean, its there. A mass of sort. Dayu and I both touched and felt that its there.

Friendly Doctor: I see. Well, if its there, we have to check.

Me: Yeah! Thats why we are here!

Our friendly doctor and Qing both looked at me. I crossed my arms tightly over my chest as one of my legs started its jittery fidgeting.

Qing: Love, calm down.

Me: I'm trying. But I just hate that the two of you are so calm and I think someone should be agitated about this. So I am taking that role.

Friendly Doctor: Don't take that role. We still know so little about this mass on Qing's scrotum. There is no need to panic yet.

Me: Okay.

Both of them winced when I didn't relaxed one bit. Qing took my hand.

Qing: Love, lighten up.

Me: I'm trying but now that we are here in the hospital, I suddenly feel like it will not go my way.

Friendly Doctor: For what its worth, scrotum tumor or mass usually turn to nothing. Most cases resulted to benign mass. And even if its cancerous, the survival rate for it is about 95% with surgery and chemotherapy. Add the fact that Qing is young and healthy, I can quite assure you both, you will survive this.

Me: (perking up) Really? 95% survival?

Friendly Doctor: Maybe even higher. Of course I cannot tell you not to worry. A lump is a lump, in this profession we take that seriously. But what I can tell you is that I will do all I can to help you and Qing navigate this. I'm your friend after all.

I feel so touched at what he said. I pulled my hand away from Qing's hold to reach over the table and hold our friendly doctor's hands.

Me: I will name one of our future children to you if you will keep us healthy for the rest of our life.

Qing: Oh gods. You and your tendency to go for drama.

Friendly Doctor: (to Qing) Oi! I think I deserve what Dayu is offering. (smiling at me) Calm down. You came to the right place. We will do all we can to help Qing.

Me: (still deeply touched) Thank you. Thank you thank you...(kicking Qing's shin lightly) Say thank you. Where's your manner?

Qing: (long suffering sigh) Are you my mother? What manner? Ugh! Thank you, Gege. Really. And also, can we order some sedative for Dayu?

Our friendly doctor just laughed at us.

We spent the whole afternoon on that hospital as Qing went under numerous tests to determine what that mass in his scrotum is all about. After the tests that Qing just told me are quite normal and not scary at all, we were sent home with a promise that our friendly doctor will contact us once the results of tests on Qing were out.

Also, there was a friendly reminder of...

Friendly Doctor: Don't touch it. Avoid making contact with it as much as you can. Avoid bumping your crotch area into anything. Its all so we can avoid more trauma in your scrotum. Because we are not sure yet if that is a tumor or a result of a trauma.

Qing: I understand.

Both Qing and our doctor friend looked at me.

Me: (sighing) I won't touch it. If I did, Qing can tie my hands.

Qing: (smiling as he took his phone out) Can you repeat that, I want to record it.

I glared at him while repeating my promise as he recorded my voice. After thanking our friendly doctor again, we went home.

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