Bonus: Angelina's letter

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My Leo,

I've never wanted it to come to this, but it has. I'll be gone before you know it. I can't bare my life anymore even if you only saw me smile. Your father is a bad man. Bad doesn't even define him. But he'll be gone when you'll read this. All thanks to Mario.

I wanted to write this to you, in hopes of making this easier on me. You'll cry, you'll grief, I'll stay in your memories. But most importantly, I'll end my suffering with the certainty that you'll be okay once Julio's dead.

I remember the day you were born very vividly. Your cute little smile, your little eyes and those cries. It was one of the things I loved about you. One of the things that made you human. I've always known you'd become a powerful man. In fact, the moment I first heard your heartbeat, I knew I was carrying a warrior. A boy, now a man, that will do anything to protect the ones he loves and that will fight as much as he can to reach his goals.

Your childhood was one of the hardest things I can reminisce on. I hated how fragile and weak I was and frankly still am. If I had been the opposite, you wouldn't have gone through Julio's hell. I don't know how I'll ever be able to apologize to you. No 'I'm sorry' will bring back the years you were supposed to live as a kid. Years you should've spent running around the yard and making messes all over the house. I'm sorry, Leonardo. I really am. You're my son and I failed to protect you.

The fact that I gave you a piece of me in your heart, is enough to make me die in peace. I know that all those late-night talks and bedtime stories were worth it. It helped you hold onto your heart. It helped you feel. Most importantly, it helped you become the Leo I've always known you were.

I don't know when you'll read this letter. Mario will be responsible for that, but I know you'll be with her. That's one thing I'm sure of.

My Leo, since you turned eighteen, Julio went out of his way to look for a possible mother of your children. Not even a wife. He just wanted an heir. Years have passed and you're still on the lookout for that special girl because I stood in the way of Julio's decision. I used every bit of strength left in me to make sure you find her on your own.

One thing I'm sure you'll get mad over is the fact that Mario and I know her. We have known her since your twentieth birthday.

Aella her name is. The moment I heard him say her name, I knew she was someone special. Her resume was impressive on its own and her face was just adorable. I will never get to meet that wonderful woman, but I now know that you like her.

You met her back in Paris. Mario made sure she'd find tickets to an event that wasn't selling them. It was all fake. But it was meant to bring you two together. I wasn't aware that the Barlowes had something behind this. Trust me, neither did Mario.

But I saw that look in your eyes. The day you got back from there, you couldn't get her out of your mind. You wanted her. I knew it. Mother's instinct never lies, amore mio.

You have no idea how much I'd like to meet her. How much I'd want to talk to her about all of the things mothers talk to their son's significant others about. Little gossip, chit-chats and maybe even talking about all of the things we find annoying about you. Even if you are close to perfection.

I would love to see your kids one day running around the house, maybe a Christmas tree, opening presents, laughing. I would do anything on this planet Earth just to see you hold your precious child.

I would do anything to hug you one more time. To tell you how much I love you.

But I'm afraid I have no time.

I trust Mario with all I have left. He'll take care of you. He'll take you under his wing. And he'll give this letter to you when you marry that beautiful soul.

Momma knows best, mio dolce Leo.

I love you to the end of eternity.

And remember: Tomorrow will be a better day, I promise.

Tutto l'amore,

Tua mamma.

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