Chapter thirty-three

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One day ago

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One day ago

I walked out of the office, heading to Leo's. I smiled at Mariana, who sat behind her desk.

"Ciao, De," I set a few files on her desk.

"Hi. How are you?" Last night was very fun but too drunk. I shouldn't have drank this much.

"I'm on pain meds. I can't feel my head practically," I nodded. I barely got out of bed this morning.

"Leo told me that we could skip today, but being the workaholic I am," she chuckled. "I didn't take his advice."

"Yeah. I can't lose these work hours. I asked him this morning about the tasks and he told me to stay at home. Came into the office, he was literally shocked to see me," I smiled.

"Ella is passed out probably," she nodded.

"But can you blame her?" I chuckled.

"Not really. But I guarantee that Leo gave her a lecture about drinking," Mariana smiled.


"He's in right?" She nodded.

"You can try to go in. I believe his meeting has finished," I smiled before going to his door. I knocked and opened the door.

"Hello, brother-in-law," I met his eyes. Leo smiled.

"Hi," I walked over to his desk. His laptop was open while he was typing something fast. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I have these documents I'd like for you to see," I placed the files on his desk. He looked at them and took them in his hands, opening the first one. "The money that was spent last month is all covered and looked through, but it's the second one I'm concerned about," he placed the first file back on the desk and flipped open the second. "There are three million dollars missing, Leo."

"Cosa?" I sat down on one of the armchairs.

"I thought Matteo or I made a mistake, but I recalculated it all three times. Same result," he looked through the calculations.

"How can this amount of money be missing? Is there any chance it was used last month and we just overlooked it?" I shook my head.

"No way. It was my first thought, but there was nothing. Last month went smoothly. The November expenses haven't increased either. It's just that I can't find that amount. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but it may be stolen," his eyes darted up to me.

"Who could have stolen this much? If they had access, they would've taken a lot more than this. This is practically pennies, Adena," I nodded. It was quite strange to work with huge numbers like these. You'd think after more than a month of working here I'd gotten used to it, I haven't.

"Who has access to the account?"

"Me, you, Matt and Aella."

"You wouldn't steal from your own company," he nodded. "I wouldn't have brought this case to you if I had stolen the money. Aella wouldn't have the boldness to do it. Besides, not like she doesn't have a soon-to-be husband to take money from," he smiled. "And Matt..."

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