Chapter 9. Deal Or No Deal

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Eric was at the company office when he received a summon to appear in court. He could not believe what he was reading. Tanya filed for a divorce stating spousal abuse and irreconcilable differences. Eric's eyes fill with tears.  He couldn't believe that it was the end of him and Tanya. He closed his door so no one could see what was going on with him. He got very angry and tore up his office. He had to break something and he thought a few chairs would suffice. His father came in to see what the ruckus was about.

"What the hell is the matter now?" Rick asked.  Eric just picked up his keys and walked out without saying a word to anyone.  


Eric in desperation, showed up at his lawyer and friend Julien's office. Julien stood speechless looking at Eric. Eric laughed thinking it was funny. "Shut the fuck up, who did this to you dude?! Don't tell me, Tanya scalped you." Like everyone, Julien had never seen his friend without hair and they have been friends since first grade. "You never told me that you joined some special operation's team or the US Marines," Julien teased scoping out Eric's new look.

"Just time for a change," Eric said.

"Has your mother seen you? She will have a coronary.  I really think that she was more in love with that hair than you were; she was the only mother at the barber shop telling them how to do their job." Julien continued to joke. 

"Yea she made me wear my hair like a fucking girl...all that fucking hair and she would always take me to the barber and tell them how much to cut.  You and all the kids teased me about my hair.  Tanya was the only one who never teased me.  She always told me how much she loved  my hair and that was the only reason I didn't take a scissor to it," Eric reminisced.  

"Tanya? Yea she kicked me in the shin for teasing you.  You two are coming from a long way bro," Julien said.

"Yea we sure are Aya," Eric said.  'Too bad it's about to end'

"What do you want Eric? I hope you are just here to show me your hair cut and leave,"

"Sorry Aya, this is serious business."

Eric was always showing up at Julien's office without an appointment and that always made Julien mad. "What the fuck dude? How many times do I have to tell you that my office is not a social club where you can just drop by when you feel like it? I work by appointments only."

"Close the door," Eric said.

"My next appointment will be here in two minutes Eric; you will have to wait," Julien said.

Eric dropped the summons on Julien's desk. "She filed for divorce."

Julien quickly closed the door. He picked up the summons and read it. He picked up the phone. "Please tell Mr. Richards that I am running a little late."

Julien looked at Eric. "What the fuck did you do ? And don't fucking lie to me. Who filed for divorce at almost nine months pregnant?" Julien asked in shock.

Eric explained that Tanya found out that he had a child outside the marriage and she wanted out.

"Is the kid yours?" Julien asked.

"To be honest, I don't know but that is another story anyway."

"I am not a divorce lawyer Eric, but I can recommend someone," Julien said.

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