Chapter 36: Starfall

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The hall was shaped like a semi-circle with a huge stage on the first floor. Because cultivators had excellent eyesight, even the people on the fourth floor would be able to see the treasures to be auctioned when the time came.

The auction had not yet started, there were musicians playing on the stage. These musicians were all low-ranking cultivators, they were not imposing and their appearance was mediocre. However, the sound of the qin and xiao was pleasant.

The seven strings of the qin twanged, like water from a silver bottle, at times passionate and warm at times fluid and cold. The xiao was slow and drawn out, accompanied by the ringing of bells, as if telling a story from some far-away place. If one closed their eyes and listened, one could dimly see a beauty walking slowly through a boundless desert. A string of small silver bells was tied on her white ankles. Barefoot, she walked slowly on the yellow sand, step by step, to the lake in the distance. Suddenly, the water surged and covered the desert, bringing with it endless life.

Mo Tianliao opened his eyes and frowned slightly. There was a trace of bewitching power in the sound of the qin and xiao; because it was being played by low-level cultivators it was not enough to affect his divine soul but it would stimulate the hidden desires in people's hearts and lead to more enthusiastic bidding for a while. A beauty, ankles, bells, these things ran around vividly in his mind, it reminded him of...

Turning slowly, Mo Tianliao felt a nosebleed coming when he saw that his Master had taken off his shoes, his bare feet resting on the tiger's head. Those white feet were buried in thick fluffy fur. His cat's paws... because he was too lazy to walk, he always wanted to be carried around, so his front and back paw-pads were always soft and pink.

As soon as his outstretched hand touched Master's calf, the white foot extended and gave him a light kick. Mo Tianliao resisted the urge to catch the foot, hid his hands in his sleeves and turned to look at Qingtong.

"Drink." Qingtong leaned on the big cushion and motioned with his chin at Mo Tianliao.

There had been attendants in the room, but when they saw Zhenren bringing his own entourage, they voluntarily withdrew. Da-shixiong was acting as a footrest so naturally Mo Tianliao was going to be ordered around.

Mo Tianliao rose with resignation and poured tea for Master. The teapot on the table was filled with fragrant tea, which was kept warm with fire crystals so it was always ready to drink. While pouring the tea, Mo Tianliao looked down. The whole venue was soon full, it was impossible to observe the other floors, but the situation in the hall could be seen clearly. The cultivators of Foundation Establishment level and below did not have a divine soul, if they wanted to bid, they would have to do so by shouting, because of this, they couldn't really buy anything precious. After all, everyone was watching, they had to be careful lest they be robbed once they left.

After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, the qin and xiao finally stopped, the Lighting Stone off stage was covered with a dark fabric and the curtains lifted suddenly. The stage, covered with Sunlight Stone, was so bright that it drew everyone's attention instantly. An honest-looking Golden Core cultivator stood in the middle of it and gave the crowd a salute with a big smile. "Esteemed fellow cultivators, this humble Liu Hecai is honored to be here with you today at Liuhe Auction House..."

"All the auctioneers at Liuhe Auction House are called Liu Hecai." Mo Tianliao handed Qingtong the lukewarm tea and explained in a low voice. He had brought his cat to Liuhe Market before, the auctioneer at that time had not been this one but he had also claimed to be called Liu Hecai.

Qingtong took the cup and took a sip. "What?"

Mo Tianliao blinked and smiled. "Nothing. Do you want to eat some fried fish? I remember you liked the fried fish they serve here very much." How could the little furball, who had been huddled in his arms purring at that time, care about who the auctioneer was? At best, he would only remember what was tasty.

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