Chapter 34: In Flagrante

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Mo Tianliao laid back embarrassedly, tilting his head at the kitten, who also tilted his head at him.

There was a flash of white light, then a beautiful man in diaphanous white was lying on his bed with his head propped up with one hand. "Is that why you have been working so hard for so many days?"

The clear voice sounded in Mo Tianliao's ear accompanied with a faint whisper of breath. That perfect beautiful face was suddenly so close that Mo Tianliao froze for a moment.

"Master..."The faces of some beauties lost their attractiveness when seeing them up close. However, the closer the face in front of him got, the more it made him feel. Mo Tianliao looked at Master and felt like his throat was a little dry.

Long fingers reached over and took down the crimson jade sword from the middle of his "bird's nest." Qingtong twirled it between his fingers and said, "What's its use?"

"Going on a journey requires a weapon." Mo Tianliao swallowed convulsively. "Nothing more."

Hearing that it was only a sword to murder people, not some exotic toy, Qingtong lost interest and threw it aside.

"Shidi!" A warm voice could be heard getting closer, it did not pause. With a bang the door slammed open and someone entered the room. "I-"

Meng Hu stared, his tiger eyes enormous, the rest of the words were stuck in his throat. Wh-wh-what did he see? His Master unexpectedly was on shidi's bed, supporting his face with one hand, as alluring as a fallen immortal. And his handsome shidi lay there, with his clothes open and his hair in disarray, looking a little tired.

Mo Tianliao narrowed his eyes. Before going to sleep last night, he had clearly activated the barrier around his small courtyard. The fact that Master could go in and out at will was understandable, after all, he was the owner of the whole place. But what about da-shixiong?

The barrier in this courtyard was to prevent the people in the sect from disturbing the cultivation of the one inside the house. Since da-shixiong could enter, there was only one explanation. The barrier only deterred people, it could not prevent Demonic Beasts from entering, it was the same type of barrier as the one in the rear mountains.

"Ma-Master is also here?" Meng Hu scratched his head and laughed twice, awkwardly. Secretly he thought, It's all over, over. I've discovered a terrible secret; I fear that I'll really be made into a tiger skin rug!

Qingtong ignored his stupid disciple, turned into a white kitten and jumped onto Mo Tianliao's chest to sit and lick his paws.

Mo Tianliao pursed his lips, Lord Kitty was squatting on his chest. How could he sit up? Could he really talk to shixiong lying down? Holding the furball against his chest with one hand, Mo Tianliao sat up and placed the kitten on his leg. "What can I do for shixiong?"

"Well, I heard that you were going out to gain experience, I was afraid since you don't really know what's it like out there. So, I just wanted to go with you." Meng Hu, who thought he had just discovered the truth, said this like each word was crushing him with its weight. It was not that he did not want to lie, it was just that he could not lie in front of Master.

What could he even say, "I wanted to go to the rear mountains to eat barbecue with you"? Such an inane thing would only anger Master, he would end up dying an even worse death!

What Mo Tianliao wanted to do required utmost secrecy, the less people knew, the better. Just as he was about to say no, he suddenly saw da-shixiong's face, it seemed to be saying: "I regret it, I really don't want to go." It made him suddenly change his mind. "Thanks, I really don't know the situation outside."

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