Chapter 23: Sansang

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Meng Hu looked around and pulled out a chartreuse jade box. This type of jade had a wood attribute and was usually used to preserve attribute-free spiritual plants.

"This is...?" Mo Tianliao didn't reach out his hand to open it, and instead just looked at his shixiong.

"It's a long story." Meng Hu raised his hand and opened the jade box. "This was the main goal of shixiong's travels. It was very difficult to obtain; Mo Xiong also suffered."

The jade box was covered with a layer of ice crystals. After opening it, there was a slight chill. There was a bright red fruit nestled between the ice crystals. Perhaps because of the long journey, it looked a bit withered. Though it looked ugly, it did not prevent Mo Tianliao from recognizing it. The Soul Condensing Sansang!

Sansang was a kind of extremely rare divine tree. It had no branches, yet the grooves along the trunk produced fruit every 30 years. This kind of fruit had the extremely rare ability of condensing the soul and preventing a divine soul from dispersing.

"This fruit looks rare. What does da-shixiong want to use it for?" Mo Tianliao looked at Meng Hu quietly.

Meng Hu smiled and did not explain the purpose of the fruit to Mo Tianliao — he did not even mention its name. He laughed and said, "Ah, it's quite rare, you don't know how much trouble I went through. This fruit will be of great use to Master. I want to give it to him. "

Mo Tianliao's heart thumped. An intact soul was like an egg; it would not disperse unless it had been damaged. But once this happened, just like a cracked egg, its contents would slowly dry up and evaporate in the sun. Even the Soul Condensing Sansang could only add a flimsy layer of protection to prevent further loss.

In that case, Master's soul was already damaged.

"Since it's such a good thing, shixiong should be able to give it to Master without any help." Mo Tianliao felt suspicious, and the wood thorns at his fingertips were not put away. "Why did you need to bring me here?"

Meng Hu scratched his head, got up to pace around the room, then sat back with a thud. "I noticed that Master liked you very much, so I thought I'd have you take it to him."

Mo Tianliao lowered his eyes and did not answer.

Aware of his brusqueness, Meng Hu jumped up and turned another circle around the room. He hadn't yet explained what the fruit was for. Shidi couldn't possibly think it was something bad that he was using in order to frame him, could he? "Shidi, to tell you the truth, this is a divine fruit that is good for the soul. It has become like this only because of the long journey. You also know Master's temperament; he won't eat anything that doesn't look good. I thought we'd go together and you could help me persuade Master to eat it."

He indeed had a terrible temper. Mo Tianliao looked at his shixiong lying prone on the table with those big eyes of his looking at him pleadingly and wanted to bully him even more. "There are so many Demonic Beasts in the rear mountains. If Master's soul is unstable, he just needs to find a Demonic Beast to tame. Why-"

"He himself... has a Demonic Beast," Meng Hu paused. "You have just started cultivating, so there are some things you don't understand yet. Demonic Beasts can only appease internal demons and restlessness; there are some things that they cannot cure."

Master already had a Demonic Beast? Mo Tianliao was very curious; how come he had never seen it before? Before he could keep teasing Meng Hu, the man had already stood up; he didn't want to talk anymore. Meng Hu intended to drag Mo Tianliao to see Master.

" Wait a minute." Mo Tianliao took the jade box and touched the withered fruit with his fingertips. A thin strand of wood qi slowly flowed into the fruit. He quickly withdrew his hand. "Maybe I can make the fruit fresh once more."

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