Chapter 3: Entering a Sect

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Since Mount Yanhuo was located on the southernmost point of the continent, it was pretty far from both the orthodox sects, as well as the places where the demonic cultivators liked to gather.

Mo Tianliao recalled the memories of when he had been chased here. He had ridden his high grade flying ship for thirty or so days before he had reached this place.

He scratched his head and turned back to climb back up the mountain, intending to dig up some hundred-year-old fire ginseng.

The Yanhuo mountain range had a strange topography. There were many precious ingredients and spirit herbs growing here. Over the hundreds of years of drifting around this mountain, Mo Tianliao was already familiar with the locations of everything valuable here. However, he didn't have enough power to guarantee he wouldn't get robbed of those precious ingredients at this point. He didn't have any suitable storage tools that could keep those ingredients fresh either, so he could only dig up some low-grade fire ginseng to sell to the mortals.

It took a few days of walking before he finally got out of the mountains and reached a mortal town at the foot of the range.

The town was rather lively since there were merchants who traded in medicinal herbs and ingredients coming to and fro.

Mo Tianliao found a medicinal hall and sold the fire ginseng. With a few hundred taels of silver in his storage bracelet, he went searching for a restaurant for a good meal, as well as to ask about the date.

"I've been harvesting herbs in the mountains for a few months, so I can't remember the date. Has the new year passed yet?" Mo Tianliao asked the waiter with a smile as he set down some dishes on the table.

"Well! Sir, you must have been stuck in the mountains for a long time, it's already the start of March!" The waiter returned the smile and continued, "It's the year 8371 of the Taixuan calendar now, it's no longer 8370!"

"Is that so..." Mo Tianliao nodded in acknowledgement and picked up his chopsticks to start eating. The year he died was 8024, so three hundred years had already passed...

"Hey, did you hear? The sect immortals have come to look for disciples!" Just as he was about to get lost in his thoughts, a discussion started up at the table next to his.

"Really? I should go and apply to be a disciple too!" Someone answered.

"You? You're almost thirty, who's going to want you?" His friend laughed at him mercilessly, "They only take in those under sixteen and with at least one spirit attribute, unless you have great spirit potential..."

After finishing his meal and walking out of the restaurant, Mo Tianliao noticed a flood of people walking towards the center of the town, all chatting noisily about wanting to meet the immortals.

Mo Tianliao followed along and peered from afar at the 'immortals', standing in the middle of the crowd with haughty expressions on their youthful faces.

The cultivators were dressed in the same green sect robes, those of the Green Cloud Sect! He couldn't help the frown that formed on his face. The southernmost part of the continent was where the demonic cultivators liked to gather. It was also much closer to the demonic sects. Why were the so-called orthodox sects searching for disciples here? "I found this young man first!" A young girl's voice rang out from behind the crowd. The onlookers all turned at once, only to see a young lady dressed in a light blue dress with wide sleeves walking over swiftly. Behind her were a few men dressed in blue sect robes.

This was going to be an interesting show. The three strongest sects amongst the orthodox side were the three cloud sects: the Green Cloud Sect, the Flowing Cloud Sect, and the Heavy Cloud Sect. It seemed like the Green Cloud Sect and Flowing Cloud Sect had both taken a liking to a young man with great potential...

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