"A Pastelic Problem?!"

Start from the beginning

As the people in Nursedessei are having a good time, one of their friends is in the middle of hard practice in their family-owned forest, it was Chisato Shirasagi.
Chisato: Agkh!!!


Chisato: No!! Agkh!!!


Chisato: I have to control this power!
Yes, Chisato has gained the power like Carmeara after they have spilled when they were at Awashima Hotel in Numazu a month ago. But Chisato just discovered her power just two days ago and now she has been keeping it a secret from everyone except her personal butler named James.
Chisato: I will eventually be able to control this and use it for the better good than evil. Also, I want to help Sayo-san and Hina-chan...


James: Ms. Chisato it is already time to head back. Your parents will be worried again if you are not back in time.

Chisato: Okay.

James: Here Ma'am, water and a towel. I believe you're exhausted.

Chisato: Hehe. You're simply one hell of a butler, James. You know how I feel.

James: No problem Ms. Chisato. I have been with you since you were young. Through the years I know your needs and wants.
Chisato just gives off a smile on her face. Then they proceeded back home and Chisato ended the day as normal.

Back in Nursedessei, the twins are about to get ready for bed. Then, Hina's phone received a message from her agency.
Sayo: Who is texting you?

Hina: Our Agency's manager. She wants us to be at our agency because of an emergency meeting.

Sayo: I see. So you guys will be absent?

Hina: Yep!

Sayo: Okay then, let's go to sleep.

Hina: Yey!!
Sayo turns off the lights and head to bed with Hina and the day was concluded.

As the next early day goes along, It was already 4:40 in the morning and everyone was still asleep in their respective rooms. In the Hikawa twins room, Sayo is comfortable sleeping while Hina is having a bad dream. Her dream right now is in a place between buildings and the sky was gloomy. Something was in the distance.
????: You are better to fight with her than me. Here.

Hina: W-Why me?!

????: You suitable than me. Go. Help your sister.

Hina: Wait!
Suddenly, Hina wakes up from that dream.
Hina: That dream again.


Hina: What is this? The future or what...

????: Hina-chan?

Hina: Sis?

Sayo: Good morning. Why do you look so worried face? I am guessing you have a dream. I am right?

Hina: ...


Hina: Yeah. I can't hide it anymore. I had a bad dream that is the same. I am still wondering if it is the future or not.

Sayo: I see. Is there anything more?

Hina: N-nothing more to add...

Sayo: Very well, let us prepare for the day. You have a meeting with Pastel Palettes right?

Hina: Yeah! Let's go!
The twins stand up from their beds and prepare for the day. As time moves to 7:40 in the morning, others are ready to head out to school. The same thing happened as yesterday with Sayo and Rinko, the two of them took the falcon to their school. And for the others, Hina decided to send them to Haneoka. Once they made it, Hina bids farewell to the rest.
Lisa: Bye Hina!

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