Chapter Eleven: What a WITCH!.

Start from the beginning

But now, have the tables turned? Do I need permission to enter a vampire's space?

"I don't know, try it?" I sigh, getting out of my head.

"You can come in," he says aloud and before building the suspense any longer, I attempted to cross again. When I didn't feel the push back and felt my feet plant on his hardwood floors, a sense of relief flooded over me. Okay good, it worked and I wasn't blown to bits. The look of relief mixed with thorough delight and confusion.

"Strange..."He murmured, "I've brought many witches in here, never once have I had to invite them in,"

Oh waw, bragging on all your past hookups? I mean I know we are just friends, but a little shame, no?

I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

My nausea hasn't eased up any and my face was starting to tighten up reflexively.

"Are you okay?" He asked, taking my hand into his once again. Why are we holding hands so much today?

"Weird request and even weirder question," I say, biting my bottom lip as he looked down at me with brows furrowed and eyes, hopeful and dare I say burning unspoken words into me. I let my lip go for fear of biting into it. Am I imagining a connection here? Have I truly gone mad?

Well, you've had the symptoms...out here hearing voices and having paralysis events... You've been going crazy all along.

"Go on..."

"Do vampire's drink tea and do you have any?" I grinned awkwardly at him as my stomach wrapped itself into origami. He raises a brow at me. "I think I need some, if you do."

"Gas, as you human's call it?"

My cheeks immediately caught flames. Fuck, he thinks I have gas? I could sink into the floor. He struggled to hold in a laugh and I was burning with embarrassment still. I should have known he'd make a joke at my expense.

"No, I-I just don't feel too good," I defended myself in a small whiny voice that annoyed even me. His face suddenly fell into a look of... concern? Maybe annoyance? I don't know.

"Josephine!"I heard him call out and in a matter of seconds, a tall, slender, white woman with her hair up in a bun at the top of her head came down the stairs that we stood directly in front of. She wore a uniform of sorts, a black dress with ruffles at the neck and a pair of ballet shoes. She wasn't old, but she wasn't young either. I didn't know what she was. Her eyes weren't normal. They blinked vertically. She wasn't a vampire, but she also wasn't able to disguise herself as human as the rest of us could because of her eyes and maybe another feature that I can't see at the moment. I suppose a job as a royal housekeeper wasn't as bad when you can't live freely.

I inspected her face.

"It's rude to stare," he says as he places his hand on my shoulder and I am jolted from my thoughts. I noticed the lady staring at me with furrowed brows and an indifference that made me feel like I was the one with vertical eyelids. I gave her an apologetic smile and she all but ignored it.

"Some tea for the young Miss, please." He says.

"Right away, my lord," she nodded and watched as she walked sideways back up the steps. What tha-

"She's a Coraling," he says as he takes my hand and pulls me between the oversized living room that was a blend of white and gold? Bronze-ish...whatever it was I truly didn't expect Maaldamir's castle to look so beautiful...heavenly even.

"A Crab?" I whisper under my breath and he nods as he moves toward the counter with the liquor on it. Oh, yes. We did learn of them in class. They are very rare...goes to show how rich the Gerarld's are to be able to have one on their staff.

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