Part 22

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"That bastard, I will break her leg when she come home." Jin Wentai snapped as he cracks the cup in his hands violently. "Mr Jin, please don't get mad." Catherine said as she offer him a cup of water. "How can I not be mad?" He shouted.

Catherine is smart and good at talking. She answered "maybe she's in a rush to class, she's the top student in her class so she can't be late." Said Catherine. Jin Wentai nodded.

Jin Wentai placed his cup on the table. He turn to Catherine. "I'm not like my sister, she threw tantrums and cups on the floor." He smiled. Catherine lowered her head to pay respect to Mr. Jin.

"Mr. Jin, you should probably go you don't want to be late." She warned. "Oh we don't have school today." Jin Wentai answered. Catherine looked at him weirdly. "But why did Miss Jin went to school?"Catherine asked. Jin Wentai didn't said anything he just smiled. As I was on my way to school,

I got a phone call and it said. "A reminder students there will be no school due to the heavy rain yesterday that made the ground all icy. I was furious, I drove back home. "Jin Wentai!" I shouted loudly.

"Why did you tell me there was no school?" I asked. Jin Wentai pretended nothing happened and pretended looked at his phone. "Oh oops, I just got the message too." Jin Wentai said holding his phone in front of me.

"How shameless!" I snapped. Jin Wentai just smiled and start laughing hard. I started smirking. "No wonder who always sit on their chairs and drinking coke? Saying they have the best grades!" I teased. "Are you being too arrogant?" I asked.

"Arrogant? Who's being arrogant? Who's is the one keeping scolding at me? Such poor educational." Jin Wentai snapped.

"Please don't get mad at each other, let's just talk." Catherine grabbed my arm trying to pull me on a chair. I brutally pushed her away. "Don't touch me." Jin Chuyou screamed.

Catherine screamed and she cut herself with a glass cup. I smiled evilly and went upstairs slam my door.
"Are you ok?" Jin Wentai asked holding Catherine in his arms. She smiled. "I'm alright." She answered.
Jin Wentai went upstairs to my bedroom and close the door. "Hey do you know how rude that was?" Jin Wentai shouted. I rolled my eyes and gives him a radiant smile.

"So what?" I snared. "I don't give a f*ck!" I shouted. Jin Wentai was shocked. He rolled his eyes and close the door. I know I didn't mean to said that.

As he left my room, I heard a noise on the door. I ran downstairs quickly and it was my parents. "Mr. Jin." All my maids said while lowered their head with both of their hands together. "Mrs. Jin." Said all maids lowered their head with both of their hand together.

"What's going on?" Said my dad angrily. "Why does glass pieces all around?" My father asked. "Father, over the weeks. Chuyou's behavior is getting worse each day. I don't what to said to Chuyou so please don't blame me." Jin Wentai said as he lowered his head and place both of his arms in front of him.

Wow! He is such a great actor! Pretending to be so nice in front of our parents and talk trash about me when parents are not around.

"Jin Wentai tell me what did Chuyou do?" Mr. Jin asked looking at me. "Well father, she pushed the food that our chef had made, she pushed Catherine, our maid and she cut herself and calling trash names about the maids." Jin Wentai said.

My father was furious and said "you are in big trouble missy." "Go upstairs missy, I will take your MacBook, iMac and your Apple Watch for 2 weeks." Mr Jin shouted. "What?" I asked. But.. "go to your room." Said my father angrily.

I said nothing but I storm upstairs and slam the door loudly. "Chuyou, get over here." My father shouted. I went downstairs and I glared at him. Jin Wentai show a red shine in my eyes.

"While you're up there I want you to write a apologizes letter to every single maids, chefs and yours brother." Mr. Jin said. I said nothing but lowered my head and place both of my hands in together. "Yes, father." I said coldly with a radiant smile on it.

I crack my hands together so hard that it started bleeding. "I don't know what to do with Chuyou?" Mr. Jin said as he sat on the sliver shinny sofa made with fur. "Yeah, she's was so sweet and obedient when she was young." Said Mrs. Jin. "Now, she's give us dirty looking and inappropriate words." Mrs Jin sighed.

I went upstairs and my phone ringed. I picked it up and it was Zhuo Zhi.

Zhuo Zhi: Hey Chuyou, we have a game with Xing Yao soon.

Chuyou: yeah I know

Zhuo Zhi: k, I will see you tomorrow

Chuyou: you too!!

Hey fans, short chapter again! I promise next chapter will be longer than this!!

Love y'all!!!

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