Part 33

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"Wow Mrs. Jin, I thought you hated my pasta?" The chef ask as he hand her plate and golden fork. I smile sweetly and ate my dinner.

"Hey brother." I said cheerfully while combing my hair facing the mirror. "What's for dinner?" Jin Wentai ask. "Pasta." I answered with my warmly smile. He smile. "It looks like you're fine with the pasta after all?" He ask.

"No." I chuckled softly. "Have a seat." I said. He smile. "Here's your dinner, enjoy!" Stacey said. I wipe my mouth. "See you at 10." I said while grabbing my purse and car keys.

"Hold on! Wait, wait." Jin Wentai said. I turn and facing him. "Where do you think you're going?" My brother ask me. "On a date?" I nervously said m. "With who?" Jin Wentai said.

I blushed. "Um, Zhuo Zhi." I said quickly and left slamming the door. "What did she say?" He said confusedly. It was decorated with red roses and people playing violin and cello. So romantic!!!

Zhuo zhi was sitting there waiting for me. I smile and sat next to me. He lead forward and kiss my cheeks softly. "Can I take your drinks?" The waitress ask. "I will have black coffee with no sugar and no cream." Zhuo Zhi said. "Perfect, and for the lady?" She asked. "I will have champagne with extra lemon juice." I said.

"Ok, I will be back to take your orders." The waitress said. "Thanks." We said it together. He hold my hands tightly. "Are we going to the national competition?" I ask shyly. "Indeed." Zhuo Zhi said smiling.

"Can I take your orders?" The waitress ask. "I will take a Greek salade with extra tomatoes and carrots?" I ask. "I will take the steak?" Zhuo Zhi ask. "Of course." The waitress said. "I thought you already had dinner?" Zhuo Zhi ask. "Oh, I didn't eat that much. Not really hungry." I responded.

After 10 minutes, our food arrived. It was delicious!!!! "Let me send you home." Zhuo Zhi said. I nodded. On our way to my house. We were holding our hands. His hands was so warm and soft that makes me smile.

As I got to the front door of my house, Zhuo Zhi played with my hair and pinned me on the wall. I was shocked. "Have I not told you how pretty you look?" He ask playfully.

I smiled sweetly. "Yes." I answered. He slowly meet his lips with mine and we kiss passionately. "I have to go." I said letting go his hands. "Bye." Zhuo Zhi said.

"I'm home." I said exhausted placing my car keys on the table and my Gucci purse. My brother cross his arms and giving me this dirty look. "How was your date?" He ask. "Fine." I answered simply. "Did he ask you to be his girlfriend?" He ask. I give him the dirty look.

"Brother, we just met for 5 times." I answered. "He should be asking." Jin Wentai said. "Anyway, I'm going to bed." I answered tiredly.

*The next day*

I was walking to my locker to pick up my books when suddenly, Zhuo Zhi was holding red roses. My fav. He saw me and came to me. "Good morning." I said. "These are for you." He said handing to me.

Everyone was watching and whispering quietly. He got down on his knees and hold my hand. " I wanted to ask you something for a very long time. Everyone, is watching them I will say it out loud. Jin Chuyou, will you be my girlfriend?" He finally ask while everyone is staring at him. I was surprised and didn't know what to say.

I was crying in joy. I was stunned. He looked me in the eyes. "I like you." He add another loving phrase. "I..I do." I stuttered. He got up and hugged me tightly in his chest. And I did the same. "I like you too." I said emotional. 

I let go of him. "Actually, I start liking you on the first day of school." I confessed. "Then why didn't you tell me?" Zhuo Zhi ask. "I was scared." I said softly. Then he kissed me on the lips. "See you after class." Zhuo Zhi said waving goodbye at me. I did the same.

Hey fans!!!
New chapter!! Enjoy!!!

The Prince of Tennis  (Zhuo Zhi and Jin Chuyou) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora