Part 48

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That night, I was in Zhuo Zhi's arms watching my phone. "Tomorrow, we should visit my parents." Zhuo Zhi said touching my face softly. "Will your parents still like me and accept as their daughter in law?" I ask touching his chest. He smiled. "Of course,  I'm about to marry you." He said kissing my forehead.

*The next day*

We arrived at Mr. and Mrs. Zhuo's parents. "Hi Mom, hi dad." Zhuo zhi said. "Welcome back Zhuo zhi." My parents said patting his back. "Mom, dad, I want to show you someone special." Zhuo Zhi said. I smiled. "Greetings Mr. and Mrs. Zhuo." I said trying to be polite. "Zhuo Zhi dear, you still choose her." His parents said. "Mom, dad, Jin Chuyou is the only girl that is unique, beautiful and smart." Zhuo Zhi said.

"She's the girl I will choose." Zhuo Zhi said. "She's your girlfriend?" Mrs. Zhuo said. "I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his fiancée." I said showing them my engagement ring. "Ohh, I'm so happy for you guys. She looks like a sweet girl." Mr and Mrs. Zhuo said. "When are you guys planing getting married?" Mr. Zhuo ask. I looked at Zhuo Zhi and he looked at me.

"Umm, we are still taking our time." I answered. We left Mr and Mrs. Zhuo's house. As I was in Zhuo zhi's car, I was thinking after our wedding. "Where should we plan our wedding?" I ask touching his chin. Zhuo zhi was ponder for a while while driving. "I was planning doing our wedding in one of the most expensive hotels." Zhuo Zhi said.

"Should we save our money and not waste it on fancy hotels." I said. He turn to me with a confused face. "I thought you were a spoil brat when you were in grade 10?" Zhuo Zhi ask. "I learn that not to waste so much money. My dad is pretty mad of me from buying those designer bags when I was 16." I said.

"Anyway, how many people did you invite to our wedding?" I ask putting makeup on. "About 40 people." Zhuo Zhi ask. I accidentally draw my face with my lipstick and dropped my lipstick on Zhuo Zhi's car. "40 people is a lot of people, we don't have that kind of money to pay all those people's rooms, food and everything." I screamed.

He didn't say anything and stayed silent. "Why didn't you tell me first?" I ask. "Look, is all going to be our close friends and family." Zhuo zhi said. "We are CEO's in both of our companies." Zhuo Zhi said. I didn't say anything, I didn't want Zhuo zhi and I get bankrupt or lose money. The hotel is crazy expensive and don't get me start with the rooms and the food or the clothing.

Zhuo zhi eventually dropped me off at my place, it was windy and the leaves are blowing into my mouth. Eww, that's gross!! The cloud almost cover the entier moon, is it going to rain? I quickly waved goodbye to Zhuo Zhi and ran as fast as I can before it starts raining hard.

As I open the door, I suddenly spotted the dishes weren't wash, the counter is a mess and the shoes aren't washed. I got so angry and I stormed in the maids room. "Why aren't the dishes washed?" I screamed. My maid's faces turn red. I cross my arms waiting for a answer.

"Ummm, I'm sorry Ma'am, I was too tired cleaning the house and moping the floor." Courtney said. "That's your job, you are supposed to do it. That's why I pay you." I taught her. She didn't say anything and stayed silent. " well what are you waiting for? Is not gonna clean its self!" I screamed. One by one they all went to the kitchen start doing the dishes.

I was in my room reading the newest novels I got from one of the most expensive book stores when suddenly I heard a knock on the door, wondering who could that be. As I was about to get up, my maid Courtney race into my room panting. "What happened to you?" I ask offering her a towel to wipe her sweats on her neck, forehand and hands.

"Who's at the door?" I ask. I walked downstairs and I accidentally tripped over something on my way. "Ms. Jin." Courtney said and grabbed my back. "You have to be more careful, Ms Jin." Courtney said. I smile and open the door. "Brother!" I scream and hug him with my hands on his back. He smile nervously. "Hi sis, I came to visit you." My brother said. I looked around wanting to see my sister in law and my niece and nephew.

"Where's Stacey and your kids?" I ask. He looked at the ground with a depressing face. I knew somethings wrong. "What happened?" I ask looking in his eyes.  "You won't believe this, but,  Stacey just passed away a few hours ago." Jin Wentai said. I stood there stunned. My eyes start to watery.

"Then where's your kids?" I ask. Jin Wentai sniffed and wipe his eyes off his face and continued. "My daughter passed away  along with her mother and my son, he's in the hospital." My brother said. I start crying. "Why didn't you say anything?" I ask. "I don't know to explain this." Jin Wentai said. I hug him in my arms crying on his shoulders.

"I'm so sorry for you." I said. He smile. "Is all right." Jin Wentai said wiping his tears. "Anyway, I heard you and Zhuo Zhi are getting married next week?" He ask. I blushed. "Yeah." I said. "Congratulations." He said smiling hugging me tight. I smile and hug him patting his back.

"Oh, do you want to come in?" I ask showing my large mansion. He's shocked to see how big it is. "No, that's ok. I will chat with you a little longer and I'll leave." Jin Wentai said grabbing his car keys hard. I nodded. "Sure. I'm listening." I said crossing my arms. "Dad's company lose a lot of money." Jin Wentai said. I was stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Why? Wha..what happened?" I ask. "It was going well, but, they are trying to impress one of the largest company in the world with their new ideas and designs. But, what they didn't know is that they failed to impress them." Jin Wentai explained. "After that, Dad's company start losing money, almost billions and billions of money." Jin Wentai said. "Can I help?" I ask grabbing his collar.

You should ask dad that." Jin Wentai said and brush my hand off. "Anyway is getting late, I should go." Jin Wentai said and drive off. I dropped on the ground crying none stop. I can't believe this.


Heys fans!! Haven't post for a long while, I think everyone is impatient and probably furious at me. I didn't get a lot of views over the last weeks. So, I will be very grateful if you guys read  and like my chapter, I will do the same for you guys!!!

Anyways, love y'all 💕💕💕

The Prince of Tennis  (Zhuo Zhi and Jin Chuyou) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat