Part 4

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I walked on the court with my tennis bag, I saw all the players got in line for ensemble. "You are dismissed."  Said Captain Mu Siyang. "Wait, Captain Mu Siyang." I said as I ran towards him. "Yes young lady?" He ask as he turn toward me. "H..hi, my name is Jin Chuyou." I said shyly while other people started laughing and whispering to each other except for Zhuo Zhi he just chuckled.

"Um.. I was just wondering if I could join your tennis team?" I asked shyly. He just stare at me like he was going to kill me especially with those glasses on. Everyone burst out laughing. "Wait, you want to join our tennis team?"Qiao Chen teased. I lowered my head and said "yeah!" As I smile. "Hahahahaha." He laughed. I look confused and asked "Excuse me? What is so funny?"

"Look, you seen nice but let me give you an advice, this is a boys tennis team not a mixed." Tease Baiyang I just roll my eyes and screamed "so this what's all about!" "That's exactly my old schools says." I said. "What can a girl do?" Qiao Chen asked. I sigh deeply and said "I don't want to argue with you but I can go the laser ball, walking a tightrope and zero chip." I explained.

"Yeah I can't even do these tricks there is no way she can." As Qiao Chen whispered to Tang Jiale. Then they burst out laughing. "Guys! Stop!" Shouted Chi Dayong. "She is new and nice." Said Chi Dayong.

I was so excited to hear what the captain has to say but he said "um unfortunately, we don't accept girls." As he walk away and the rest of the players just burst out laughing. "She got rejected." Teased Qiao Chen. "Hahahaha." They laughed expected for Chi Dayong and Zhuo Zhi.

I let myself dropped on the group and I start crying feels like my heart has broke into millions of pieces, I feel my dream is over. Chi Dayong came to me and said " hey don't let them get to you, they are just mean when they meet new people." He said as he smile.

"My name is Chi Dayong." Said Chi Dayong as he shook my hand. "If you have any questions just ask me I'll always be there for you." He said as he pad my back and left.

I smile at him and I thought in my mind  he is so gentle and sweet. After class Siyang went to look for their coach Qi Na.

"Coach Qi Na." Said Siyang as he took a seat beside her. "Yes what's up?" She asked as she place her coffee cup on the table. "There is a girl wants to join our team." Siyang explained, Coach Qi Na raise her eyebrows. "What's her name?" She asked.

"Jin Chuyou!" Siyang answered. Coach Qi Na quickly stood up after heard Siyang said Jin Chuyou and grabbed a binder.

"After 20 years, my last opponent last name is Jin too." She as she hand his binder to Siyang. "And he played for Hai Guang." Said Qi Na.

"And he was the same age as me." Said Qi Na. "And invented the skill called "Walking a tightrope" which he use this skills to defeat every opponent." She explained. "Jin Chuyou said she knows how to do Walking a tightrope." Said Siyang.

"Does that means she is his daughter?" Siyang asked confusedly. Qi Na sighs deeply and said "invite Jin Chuyou to our tennis office and let her explained." Suggested Qi Na. "Of course." Said Siyang as he place the binder on the table and left.

On my way home, I couldn't stop crying because it was the same way that the Hai Guang's players treated her just then, I heard a noise from my back

"Jin Chuyou!" "Jin Chuyou!" He shouted as he grabbed my shoulders and I turn around with tears in my eyes. It was Zhuo Zhi, he was smiling sweetly at me and said " sorry about that." He apologized. I look confused and asked "it's not your fault!" I said.

"Look Qiao Chen and Baiyang are really mean when there is new people want to join." He explained. "They just lose their manners." He finished. I wipe my tears off my face.

"I know." I said confidently. "Wait how did you know?" He asked as he can close to me. Omg, I never been so close to a guy! I thought in my mind.

"Chi Dayong told me." I said. He stopped smiling and said "oh...ok." He said quietly. "I'll see you tomorrow at practice." He said then turn away pissed off looking.

The next day during the last class, I suddenly felt something weird in my body. So after class I went to the bathroom with my tennis bag. As I went to into the bathroom, I saw red blood around me. I look shocked and I thought for a while. Am I pregnant? What happened to me? If my brother or parents found out they will kill me!

After I went out of the bathroom, Captain Siyang asked me to follow him, I was nervous and excited at the same time. As I got to the tennis office, I saw everyone sitting there and I caught Zhuo Zhi staring at me.

", what do you want from" I stuttered. "Are you from Hai Guang, before you transfer to Yu Qing?" Siyang asked. I got nervous and frightened. " did you k..know." I said it weirdly.

"20 years ago, my last opponent last name is Jin too." Coach Qi Na. "And he is from Hai Guang." Said Coach Qi Na. "My dad did say his last opponent is called Qi Na." I said.

"But why did you transfer to Yu Qing?" Asked Chi Dayong. "Maybe she don't have friends because she is shy." Teased Qiao Chen. "Qiao Chen! That's enough!" Chi Dayong shouted.

"My dream is to join a tennis team and Hai Guang don't allow girls to join." I said. "They laugh, giggle and teased me.

"I been playing.... Then I felt something in my body then I got up and said "sorry." I ran to the bathroom.

Then Qi Na followed me, "are you ok." Said Qi Na then she saw blood. "Don't worry Jin Chuyou, you are not pregnant." Said Qi Na. "T..then why is there blood." I asked nervously. "You are just having your period." Said Qi Na.

"What is a period?" I asked. "It's just a sign that you are becoming a woman." Said Qi Na. "But I'm only 16." I said. "Sometimes periods can make you have a headache, stomachache or feel grumpy and makes you don't want to eat." Explained Qi Na. "Come on let's go we don't want the boys keep waiting." Said Qi Na as she grabbed my shoulders and lead me to the tennis office.

"Um..can you not tell them?" I asked. The coach nodding. "What happened to her?" Ask Captain Siyang. "Oh..she has a headache." Coach Qi Na lied.

"I can show you my skills." I said as I pulled my green prince tennis racket. "Chuyou play Qiao Chen first." Ordered Siyang.
*After 10mins

"Jin chuyou wins." Announced the judge. "Wow! You are impressive." Said Chi Dayong. I smiled. The captain was also impressed. "We need Chuyou on our team." Said Jiale. "Ok Chuyou, you are in." Announced Siyang as he hand my the team uniform while everyone claps for me. I cry in happy tears.

"Thank you." I said happily. "Tomorrow is our first practice please be on time." Said Siyang as he walk away. Then Qiao Chen and Baiyang can up to me.

"Im sorry for how I treated you, can you please forgive me?" Asked Qiao Chen. "Of course." I smile. "My name is Qiao Chen." He said as he hand me his hand and I shook it. "Sorry, can you please forgive me? Asked Baiyang. I smile and nodded my head.

"Congrats!" Said Zhuo Zhi as he chuckled. "See you tomorrow at practice." Said Zhuo Zhi. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "You ran to the bathroom when the captain asked you a question?" He asked.

"Im fine." I lied. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Look you can tell me anything." He said calmly. I wasn't going to tell him that my period came so I said "I'm fine." "Ok bye." He said then he walks away, I blushed.

Enjoy my story and please like it! That will means a lot!
Thanks! Have a wonderful day!
-quinntessa08 :)

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