Part 27

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As Zhuo Zhi went back to the office, he explained everything and everyone agreed and trusted Chuyou. They start practicing for their last competition with Hai Guang.

"Hai Guang, is it the most powerful and the most agressive team." "I heard  that they have a new member named Yuan Chi who injured their opponent on purpose." Qiao Chen gossiped.

I grabbed my racket and a basket full with tennis balls. "Hey chuyou! Is Yuan Chi your ex boyfriend?" Jiale teased. I roll my eyes. "I guess you could say that." I answered coldly while looking annoyed. "Then.. "What are you guys doing?" Aren't you guys going to practice?" Siyang shouted loudly.

Everyone went back pretending they are practicing. "Go on finished what you said early." Siyang said. Everyone stay silent for a while. "That's what I thought." Siyang hissed.

"Everyone gather around." Siyang announced. "Next month is our very last competition of this season and is against Hai Guang. So I want everyone be on their A game." Siyang said.

"Yes Captain." Everyone said. "Captain, will coach Qi Na tell us which position we play?" Jiale ask. "Chuyou, I spoke with Bai Shiting. He wants you to play with Jin Wentai." Siyang said. I was shocked! Play with my brother? Is Siyang crazy?

"Umm sure." I said. "Looks like there will be a interesting game going on soon." Jiale said while smiling. "I'm excited to see who's better? Jin Wentai or Jin Chuyou?" Qiao Chen asked while giggling. "Hey hey, settle down!" Siyang said.

"But why is Chuyou not playing with Tain Zilong?" Jiale asked while drinking his protein drink. "Coach Qi Na wants Lu Xia to play with Tain Zilong." Siyang said. Lu Xia.

"I want everyone to go home and rest for the last competition next month." Siyang said. "Yes sir." Everyone said as we all grabbed our bags and left the court.

I got home feeling exhausted. I place my car keys on the table and my Chanel bag on the dinner table. "Miss, I'm almost done with your dinner." The chef said as he race from the kitchen.

"Oh! Is ok, take your time. I'm not that hungry." I answered scroll down from Instagram on my iPhone. He lowered his head and left. "Where is Jin Wentai?" I asked curiosity. "He left to get coffee with his friends." Stacey said. "This late?" I asked surprisingly.

"Off you go." I said sending her away. She lowered her head and place both of her hands together in front of her. "Miss Jin, I made Italian spaghetti topped with tomatoes, green and red peppers and carrots." He explained. "I made your favorite dessert. Crème caramel." He said. "Thanks. It looks delicious." I said. "Enjoy." He said.

I ate some. It was delicious but I'm not that hungry. "I'm full." I said as I went upstairs. Stacey probably saw my gloomy face and she followed me upstairs. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "What I said about knocking before you come in." I said.

"I'm sorry my bad." She apologies and she pretended to knocked on my door. "Come in." I said. "Miss what's wrong, your face is so gloomy." Stacey explained. "What do you think ?" I asked. "Is because of Jin Wentai?" She asked.

I shook my head slowly. "Is about our parents." I said while admiring my bamboo flute. "They will be back." Stacey said as she pat my back. I will go make you pear and white carrot soup." Stacey as she lowered her head and place both of her hands together in front of her.

I grabbed my tennis racket and a full basket of tennis balls. I bumped  into Jin Wentai on my way to the basement. "Young lady, where do you think your going?" Jin Wentai asked crossing his arms. "Umm, just going downstairs." I stuttered. He raised his eyebrows and smirked at me.

"Really?" He teased. He glanced at my racket and balls. He said nothing and walked pass me. I was confused. I walked downstairs and start practicing really hard for the final competition.

"Miss, I made pear and white carrot soup." Stacey said. I took a look and made a face. I tried some, the white carrots are delicious but the pears made it sweet.

"I will leave you alone, Miss." Stacey said as she lowered her head. And I fall asleep. Sweet dreams!

Hey fans! Haven't pose for a while!

Hope you enjoy! Love y'all!!


The Prince of Tennis  (Zhuo Zhi and Jin Chuyou) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat