Part 20

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This morning, I was getting dressed for school. My cat Quinn came on me and pressing her forehand on my leg.

"You are so cute you fat little chubby cat." I said as I hold her stomach and pressing her against my chest. She was so fluffy and warm. Catherine came down. "Catherine, where is Jin Wentai?" I asked putting Quinn on the table where her food is and start drinking coffee.

"Miss, Jin Wentai left already." Catherine said. My eyes turn wide open. "That bastard!" I shouted bang my hand on the table. I bite my lips until I taste blood in my mouth.

"I will call him." Said Catherine grabbing her phone. I brutally threw my coffee cup on the ground. It cracks. "Bring my tennis bag and my book bag." I shouted. Catherine race upstairs and grabbed my bag toward me but she fall on the ground bleeding hard.

I rolled my eyes. "useless trash!" I shouted. I grabbed my bag. "Clean up the mess!" I shouted and slam the door. I got on my Porsche and drove to school.

After school, I went to the tennis office for a meeting. "Ok folks, today is the day we have to face No.6 High School." Siyang announced. I noticed Zhuo Zhi kept on staring at my face. I found it creepy. "Is there any thing you want?" I asked. He looked away. "Nothing." Zhuo Zhi answered. His face is a bite pink.

I chuckled softly. Siyang was leading his team to the tennis court and across us is our opponent. No.6 High School. They seem nice and their coach is a old man. First up is Qiao Chen and He Xinglong. They were in the lead. Qiao Chen used his vertical smash and Xinglong used his fire ball. Winning the game. We all cheered loudly.

"Next up is Zhuo Zhi and Tang Jiale. During the game Jiale was losing a lot of his stamina. Zhuo Zhi used his bear growl. I smile sweetly. They win the game. At the end we won all games, we shakes hands and left.

I didn't play today, that's too bad. When I got home, I noticed my brother isn't home. Maybe he comes home late.  I pour myself a cup of coffee, grabbed my cat and went to my room. Is 5:30pm and my brother is still not home.

I called my parents and they will be back tomorrow. So I ate dinner all by myself. Dinner was sushi with Italian sauce on it along with a bunch of vegetables. And for dessert, is a Japanese dessert mochi. It was disgusting so I had ice cream.

I was upstairs in my bedroom reading my favorite novel when suddenly, I heard a noise at the door. I rush downstairs and it was my brother. "Nice for you to show up Jin Wentai, you are late." I snared crossing my arms.

He's face was red. He's acting like he's drunk. "How many drinks did you had?" I asked. "A few." He said weakly. I grabbed his arm and put it on my shoulders and carried him to his bedroom.

"How is Mr. Jin doing?" Catherine asked. I nodded. "He's a bit drunk." I answered. "Miss, you should get some rest I can take care of Mr. Jin." Catherine respond. "Thanks." I said and smile sweetly at Catherine.

The next day, I got a message from Zhuo Zhi.

Zhuo zhi and Jin Chuyou's conversations

Zhuo Zhi: hey Chuyou, Coach Qi Na ask us to meet her in the tennis office.

Chuyou: got it! Thanks!

After school, I went to the tennis office for a meeting. "Ok we will have our game against Xing Yao in 1 week and 3 days, so get some practice." Said Siyang.

Xing Yao? Is Xing Yao  the school I went to get papers from Coach Fu? So coach fu is their coach?

"I'm sure that Chuyou already met Coach Fu." Coach Qi Na said staring at me. "What you already went to Xing Yao? You met with Coach Fu?" Qiao Chen screamed. "Qiao Chen there is no need to scream." Qi Na glared at him.

"Make sure you go home and practice." Siyang said. "Your dismissed." Siyang said.

Hey fans, short chapter! Enjoy! Part 21 is coming soon!
Stay tuned 🙂

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