Part 8

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So after they left I took care of Zhuo Zhi hoping he gets well. That night, I put a warm towel on his head and give him some medicine.

During the night i can still hear Zhuo Zhi coughing very hard so I give him my blanket and slept on the floor. But I still couldn't sleep cause Zhuo Zhi is coughing so loud so I went to sleep  on the couch.

*The next day*

I woke up in the couch feeling my back hurts and my neck then I ran into Zhuo Zhi's room and place my hand on his forehead. It cool down.

"Hi Chuyou."said Zhuo Zhi as he smile at me. "Are you feeling better?" I asked as I grabbed my tennis bag. "Yeah, thanks for taking care of me."
Said Zhuo Zhi. "I'll get dressed for school." Said Zhuo Zhi as he got up.

"I..I should go." I stuttered as I reached for the door then Zhuo Zhi grabbed my arm I paused for a minute.

"Can you take this to the kitchen." Said Zhuo Zhi as he hand my the towel and the cup to me. "Um.. sure no problem." I stuttered as I left.

Then Zhuo Zhi made me breakfast after that, I give him a drive in my Porsche to school.

*After school*
We're about to play against Yu Hang High School when Mu Siyang lead his team and across us his our opponent Yu Hang High School.

First up is Lu Xia and Qiao Chen so we cheer for them, during the middle of the game. They sucked and everyone is thinking their team is going to lose.

But Lu Xia and Qiao Chen draw a line with their racket and made a line in the middle of the court, everyone was confused.

"What are they doing?" Zhuo zhi whispered in my ear then I give a dirty look at them.

And for some reason, Lu Xia and Qiao Chen won with a score of 6 to 0.

Coach Qi Na grabbed their face and said "do you want to pissed me off?" "You played doubles like that." "What will people think of me as a coach?" Qi Na asked.

"But we won." Said Lu Xia. Then Qi Na let go of their face and sighed.

"Do you think  just winning the match is ok?" Qi Na asked.

Now is Chi Dayong and Tang Jiale turn while Qiao Chen and Lu Xia knees outside of the court with Huang Jing and Xiwen.

Not in 15 minutes, Chi Dayong and Tang Jiale wins with a score of 6 to 0, everyone cheers.
"Nice job." As I came toward Dayong and Jiale and high five them. "Thanks Chuyou." Said Jiale smiling sweetly.

Now is Baiyang's turn and wins with a set of 6 to 0.
Is mine turn and I use my Laser  ball, Zero  chip and Walking a tightrope from my brother.

And within 10 minutes, I won with a set of 6 to 0.
"Well done Chuyou!" Said Siyang as he claps. "Thanks." As I took my seat beside Dayong.

Last up, is Zhuo Zhi. He use his triple return and within 5 minutes he wins with a perfect score of 6 to 0.

"Yu Qing win two doubles matches, three singles. Hi Qing wins." Said the judge. "Shake hands please." Ordered the judge.

Ok there way back from the competition, "which school are we playing next?" Jiale asked as he hang his arm on Chi's shoulders. "Yu Feng High School." Answered Yan Zhiming. "Yu Feng beats the first strong team." Said Qi Na.

"It looks like next game won't be as easy as today." Said Chi. "Hey Chuyou, where did you learn the walking on tightrope?" Qiao Chen asked. "From my brother why?" I answered.

"How did you learn it so fast?" Ask Qiao Chen. "Do you think she is like you?" Said Baiyang. "Zhang Baiyang!" "Watch your mouth!" Shouted Qiao Chen.

"Guys stop." Snapped Chi Dayong. "Ok everyone go home and rest tomorrow we have a full training plan." Said Siyang. "Dismissed." Announced Siyang as he left.

"Hey Chuyou, did your parents came home from their trip?" Asked Zhuo Zhi. "Yup they did but they lwill come back at midnight, they give me the keys." I said. "So, do you want to watch a movie at my place?" I asked blushing. He chuckled. "Sure." He said happily.

I drove him to my house and he said "you are so rich." As he saw the golden chandelier and the table.

"Hahaha, Yeah my parents own a company and they are loaded." I said as I chuckled. "That's crazy." Zhuo zhi said.

"Come on let's go upstairs to my room." I said as I lead him upstairs. Then I open my Mac book to Netflix. "What do you want to watch?" I asked. "Umm anything is fine." Zhuo zhi answered. So we start watching the Queen Gambit. But during the love scene where Beth and another guy slept together I saw how uncomfortable Zhuo Zhi's face is so I close my Mac book and said "is 8:30, do you want to rest for a while then leave?" I asked. He chuckled soft.

"So where do I sleep?" Zhuo Zhi asked. I have another bed in my room, you can sleep there." I said pointing at the bed.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly felt so cold and I start groaning. Then Zhuo Zhi came to my bed and slept beside me while cover me with his blanket. Then I lay my head on his chest and cuddle him.

It felt so good to hug my crush for the first time. His body was so warm and nice.

Suddenly I heard the door slam, is my parents talking with my brother downstairs so I gently push Zhuo Zhi under my bed and I slid under my bed with him.

"Where is Chuyou?" Asked Jin Wentai as he almost open my door. "Jin Wentai! Your sister is asleep don't wake her up." Said my dad then they went to their room and slam the door.

I let out a huge sigh and carry Zhuo Zhi out under my bed and place him on my bed.

Good night my love I said in my head then gently kiss his cheeks.

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