Chapter 8. Eric 3.0

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"And leave my kids? I am not going anywhere without them," She cried.

"We are now at war and you declared it," he said without looking at her. He put on his dark glasses, threw her keys on the ground and walked away.  As he drove off  he could see in the rear view mirror Tanya sitting on the ground by her car crying.  But he was way too mad to care.  He could also see the questions in his daughter's eyes. 

"Mommy cry," she said. 

"Yes.  She wants you with her, but Daddy wants to see you too.  Did you miss Daddy?" He asked.

Ericka nodded.  "Yea I miss Daddy so much. I love Daddy," 

She clapped and pointed to his hair.   "Wha happen?" She asked.

Eric smiled.  'Kids are so perceptive. That look on Tanya's face was priceless.   How could she not recognize  me?  Who Did she think I was?  But Ericka  was not fooled, even though she had never seen me  without  dreadloc, she  knew right away who I was. " It was time Daddy got a hair cut," He told his young daughter.

Ericka touched her own hair.  "Ewicka need haircut too."

Ericka had beautiful curly hair more of an auburn...a reddish brown in color just like her mothers's but the texture was more like his.  He was not sure if the streak of red was hereditary or if it was due to the sun.  He had that streak of red in his locked hair too.  Eric looked at  his daughter  in his rear view mirror.  "Ericka's  hair is very pretty.  Daddy loves Ericka's hair," 


Tanya drove to the police station to find out what her options were to get  Ericka  back. She was crying hysterically and they couldn't make any sense of what she was saying. Jimmy sat her down and gave her a glass of water to calm her down. Tanya explained to Jimmy what Eric did. 

"So why did you move out and go to your mother's?" Jimmy asked knowing the history of Tanya and her mother.

"Eric has an illegitimate child.  I cant live with him knowing that," she cried.

  Jimmy shook his head.  That was common place on the island.  He didn't know one married man that didn't have an illegitimate child.

 "You two love each other more than any two people I have ever known. Why in hell cant you get along?" Jimmy asked.

"You are not listening to me Jimmy; Eric took Ericka," Tanya cried.

"Tanya I heard you loud and clear. There is no law that says he can't  take his own daughter. There is nothing we can do.  You will have to take Eric to court and fight for custody," he told her. Tanya was in tears.

"I don't know why I came here; he probably own you too," Tanya told Jimmy.

"I am going to pretend I never heard that; Eric is my friend and so are you; but the law is the law and he has every right to his child just as you do," Jimmy explained.

She had no money of her own to fight Eric in court.


Tanya went to see her mother at the store. Tanya was so grief stricken, she just burst into tears as she explained to her mother what Eric did. All she got was I told you so.

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