"Of course." The lady grabs two off the desk scanning them into the till. "Those come to $10 please."

Wanda hands her a $10 bill, as the lady hands the twins the guides as she smiles at them. Both of them give a polite thank you as they open up the guides looking at everything that we can do throughout the day, both getting excited about the shark tank. Apparently sharks are one of their favourite animals. 

"You have a lovely family. You boys are lucky to have two loving mom's." 

"Thank you!" Both the boys reply before me and Wanda can correct her, and they once again drag us to where they want to go. Wanda looks up at me with all the love in the world, obviously trying to hide her excitement over the boy's moment and I shrug like it's no big deal.

But on the inside. 


They didn't technically say it, but they also didn't correct the lady. They just accepted the fact she thought we were both their mom's and moved on like it was nothing. But it's not nothing, not to me and by the look on Wanda's face not for her either. I'm not going to question it though, just in case they didn't actually realise what they did and it was just a mere accident.

"Woah." Tommy's eyes bulge when he sees the first attraction of the day which is the reef fish. 

He let's go of Wanda's hand and makes his way to the tank. Billy looks down at our still connected hands then up at me before deciding he is going to join his brother leaving me and Wanda to ourselves. I pull my arm that's over Wanda's shoulders to pull her closer against me, her head nuzzles into the side of my chest and her arms wrap back around my waist. I give her body a small squeeze as we watch from a small distance.

"Do you want to go see the fish or are you happy just watching the boys enjoy their time." I look down at Wanda as she continues to watch the twins as their eyes dart around the tank and the information boards pointing out each fish as they find it.

"I'm happy just watching the boys. The sharks are my favourite."

"God the boys do take after you." I laugh out when she bounces excitedly on the balls of her feet.

"You think so?" Wanda tilts her head to look up at me, a toothy grin on her face.

"I know so."

I hum in thought trying to think of some examples as we watch the boys to the next tank and slowly follow behind them in our own world. I can feel Wanda watching me as I think back to all the times I've spent with the boys and how they always do little things to remind me of Wanda.

"Well they both do that killer nose scrunch of yours, I mean I can't say no to you when you do it. I think the boys will use it against me honestly when they find out it's my weakness. Or the way they tilt their head, just like you do. Sometimes it's scary when you do it, I mean I watched you do it to Vision and Steph and I just thank whatever God is out there I haven't been on the receiving end. But it's also cute because a lot of the time you do it at the same time as scrunching your nose. Finally, you are all really snuggly. Billy took time warming up to me, but after he hugged me once he didn't stop. None of you did."

"Really. You think they are like me?" I hum in agreement noticing how Wanda's voice seems to be filled with...hope?

"They Wanda." I point to the twins." Are more like you then you sometimes are. You were the one who raised them so it really doesn't surprise me." 

Wanda gives me a small nod before checking to see where the boys are, and seeing them waving us over to the exit of the first building. We follow them silently as the dart between people and other children, with one destination in mind. The sharks. They don't even bother looking at anything else, something about the feeding starting soon so they were on a mission to get from row seats. 

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