She had almost forgotten the light device in her pocket until it buzzed the next day. Curious, she picked it up in order to see what was going on.

1 new message from


After unlocking the phone she could see the complete message,

'Ava, I'll be waiting by the car.'

It was then that she realized it was almost time to leave and she hadn't even put on her shoes yet. After almost falling over she quickly grabbed her books and practically ran down the hallway towards the front door. She stopped to open it and walked out as if she hadn't been running the whole way.

Because he was so deeply invested in whatever was going on on his phone he hadn't noticed her until she stood next to him. His dark brown snapped to her while he locked his phone and put it away again.

"Good morning," she greeted.

"Mornin'" he gruffly replied. Maybe he wasn't a morning person.

Now that she thought about it, she'd never actually encountered him in the mornings. She briefly wondered how he even had the time to drive her to town since he had his own company. He spent most of his time at the estate in his study working so it was odd that he was able to go into town on a Friday morning.

He moved to get in his car so Ava did the same. She wasn't sure if he was interested in a conversation since she was already burdening him with her presence in the car.

Silently, he started the car and drove away from the house. Even after all those rides in his car it still amazed her how much time she could cut from her commute just by taking the car. Especially the one he had.

They rarely passed any cars and Ava didn't really know where the road led beside the estate she worked at. The trees passed by in a blur and she kept herself busy by focussing on every other tree before it disappeared.

"How long do you think you'll need?" he asked, breaking the silence.

She turned to him only to find him already looking right at her. "Last time it took around two hours, but I can walk back if that's too long?" she didn't want him to think he had to wait around for her or anything, it was already very nice of him to take her to town. She'd survive the walk back.

"No, I'll pick you up in two hours then," he said definitively, giving her no choice but to nod. "Thank you."

He didn't really reply to her thanks but they were entering the town and he was busy focussing on the road. The smooth asphalt was replaced by pothole-riddled cement and she feared for the well-being of the expensive car.

Mr. Chastain didn't seem to have that concern as he kept driving until they reached the library where he stopped. "You can call me if you finish early or something," he said.

"Thank you," Ava replied with a smile before getting out. Just before she closed the door, his voice rang out, "Ava."

She had to slightly bend down again to see his face before he continued, "you have to stop thanking me for everything."

Not really knowing how to react to that, she just nodded. It probably got annoying to him and she had to find other things to say. Maybe 'okidoki' would be a great substitution.

After closing the door and watching him speed off she made her way to the library. The librarian seemed too busy to notice her and she didn't feel like interrupting whatever she was doing so she quietly slipped by towards the spot she and Everly would hang out.

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