Chapter 45

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《8 Months Later》

By now, Tony and Bruce had been dating for a little over two years. Loki and I have been dating for about a year and two months.

Tony has been planning on proposing to Bruce for the past two months. He bought a ring and everything. Knowing Tony, he wanted it to be big and extravagant. Nat and I convinced him against it. Seeing how shy and reserved Bruce was at parties and large gatherings, it wouldn't be the best idea to go all out.

"Come on, Tony! Just ask him already!" I encouraged.

"I wanted to ask him at the New Year's Eve party, but you guys wouldn't let me!" Tony defended.

"Just do something simple. Make him dinner and pop the question during dessert." Nat suggested.

"He knows you love him, so a simple gesture will be perfect." I explained.

Tony nodded. I could practically see the light bulb pop up above his head as he scrambled off to his lab.

I couldn't help but think of Loki and I. I would love to marry him. But I don't want a huge wedding. Something short and sweet would be just fine with me. I don't need to stand in front of a large group of people while some person yaps about death duing us part to show Loki how much I love him. He knows I love him and we don't need a set of rings to prove that.

In the event that Loki does propose, I will definitely say yes. The wedding however, will be limited to the team only and will be small. Nothing big or extraordinary. I sure as hel, won't be spending a shit ton of money on a dress I'm only gonna wear once.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a chin was rested on my shoulder. I smiled and leaned back onto Loki's chest.

"Hello, Darling." He spoke as he placed a soft kiss on my temple.

"Hey, Lokes." I hummed and turned around in his arms before placing my hands at the base of his neck.

"Everything okay?"


I leaned up and pressed my lips to his.

"Pretend we aren't here." Nat spoke.

I broke away from Loki and turned around. Nat and Clint were sitting on the couch with their hands beneath their chins.

"When did you get here?" I asked Clint.

"A few minutes ago. I dropped down out of the vent and onto the couch when you weren't looking." Clint responded, gesturing to the open vent above him.

I laughed a little and Loki spun me back around. His lips met mine once more before he pulled away.

"I have some errands to attend to with Thor. I'll be back later." Loki stated.

I nodded and kissed him once again before he headed to the elevator with Thor. I waved to him as the doors closed. He smiled in return.

Peter walked into the room with Harley trailing shortly behind.

"Do you know where Mr. Stark is?" Peter asked.

"He's in his lab." I responded.

Peter nodded and went off to find Tony. Harley quickly tried to walk past me. He was wearing dark sunglasses and could hardly stand up right let alone walk straight. I placed a hand on his shoulder and stopped him in his tracks.

"Hold it right there, Maverick. What's with the sunglasses?" I questioned.

"Uhh...I was...uhhh...just outside." He responded.

"It's dark outside."

"These are night vision glasses."

"You would be blinded right now if those glasses had night vision." Clint interjected.

"They're not on at the moment." Harley informed.

"Let me guess. You are hungover from that party you went to last night." Nat spoke.

"What?! No!" Harley's voice rose about five octaves as he was speaking.

"Don't play coy. It's obvious to anyone who has ever been hungover before. The glasses help with the headache and the blinding lights of the tower. You were just about to get coffee to wake yourself up. And you wince everytime one of us talks." Nat explained.

"I'm not hungover." Harley stated.

"Liar!" I shouted.

Harley winced and jumped, losing his balance. He fell backwards and I grabbed his arm before he collided with the floor. I grabbed the glasses off his face and placed them on my head. Nat and Clint laughed as I helped Harley back onto his feet.

"Okay, I'm a little bit hungover. Just don't tell Tony." Harley muttered.

"HARLEY!!" Tony's voice ran through the halls as he approached the living room.

"Something tells me he already knows." Nat laughed.

Harley's eyes widened and darted around before landing on me, giving me a desperate look.

"Go, I'll hold him off." I sighed.

"Thank you!" Harley exclaimed and attempted to kiss me. I pulled back and grabbed him by his shoulders.

"Try to kiss me again and I'll stab you." I threatened.

Harley gulped and wiggled from the grasp I had on his shoulders. He ran out of the room and into the elevator. Tony came storming into the room.

"Where is he?" He asked grumpily.

"Who?" Nat teased.

"Bullshit, you know who I'm talking about; Harley!"

"Who's Harley? Never heard of him." I chimed.

Tony growled and stormed off.

A few minutes later, I heard a door slam and Tony stomped back to his lab. Harley came moping in shortly

"How long?" Nat asked, knowing that Tony had grounded Harley.

"Two weeks." Harley responded.

Harley grabbed some food from the kitchen before heading back up to his room.

I headed up to mine and Loki's shared room to wait for him to get home. I waited for about two hours, watching Netflix to pass the time. After a while, my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep, alone and without Loki.

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