Chapter 7

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"Loki?! Is Y/n in here?! She said she was gonna show you-" Thor barged into Loki's room.

"Shut up you oaf. She's right here." Loki snarled quietly.

Thor looked down and saw me curled up next to Loki with my head in his lap. He nodded and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

I stirred awake from my sleep as Loki stroked my hair. I let my eyes flutter open and look up at him. I gave him a tired smile.

"Sleep well, Darling?" He asked softly.

"Mhm." I hummed and sat up a little. "What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes.

"A little past 1:00." He responded.

I nodded and sat up the rest of the way. Loki moved his arm from wear it was resting on shoulder and placed it in his lap.

"Sorry for falling asleep on you." I apologized.

"It's okay. I don't mind. You're the only exception, however. If anyone else on the team does that, I will stab them without hesitation."

I let out a small laugh. "Noted."

We sat in silence for a second until the mission alarm blared.

I shot up from Loki's bed. He summoned his battle attire.

"Uhh can you do that for me too? It takes a while to get my suit on." I asked.

"Of course." Loki replied.

Green magic flowed around my body. My casual clothing flashed into my new suit.


Loki nodded and teleported us downstairs, where the rest of the team was waiting.

"What's going on?" I asked as I placed two daggers and a pistol in my thigh holster.

"The Chitauri are back." Cap informed.

I heard Loki gulp. I brushed my hand against the back of his to let him know he would be okay. He looked over to me and I have him a reassuring smile.

Cap told the rest of the details for the mission and everyone got to the roof to take the jet. One of the Chitauri flew over the tower and crashed into the side of another building.

"What the fuck was that?!" I exclaimed.

"That would be what we are fighting against." Tony answered as he flew off the roof in his Iron Man suit.

Loki teleported the rest of us onto ground level. Another Chitauri soldier flew above us as we did.

"Dr. Banner, now might be the time for you to get angry." Cap said.

"That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry." Bruce said as his skin turned a shade of green and he turned into the Hulk.

"Hold on. You're telling me that he could do that all along?!" I asked as the Hulk smashed some of the Chitauri soldiers into the side of a building.

"Less talky, more fighty." Tony said over comms.

I grabbed my pistol and started shooting at the Chitauri soldiers. Everyone else followed my lead. Cap, Nat, Clint, Hulk, Loki and I were on ground level. Thor and Tony were in the air.

"Y/n, look out!" Loki yelled.

I looked back as a blast from one of the Chitauri guns hit me, making me fly backwards, into the side of a car. I bounced off and landed on my stomach on the dust covered pavement.

I groaned and pushed myself onto my side. "Ow."

Loki sent a dagger and killed the Chitauri soldier that shot me. He offered me a hand. I took it and got up.

"You good?" Cap asked.

"I will be. Just give me a minute." I responded.

"Take all the minutes you need. I just closed the portal. This is the last of them." Tony said over comms.

"Copy that." Cap replied.

Hulk came flying off a building and squished the last Chitauri. He roared and Nat walked over to him. She calmed him down and Hulk slowly turned back into Bruce. Nat handed him some clothes and helped him back to the tower.

Loki wrapped his arm around my torso and I leaned on him for support.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Cap asked.

"Yeah. I'm good. I heal quick." I responded and winced as a sharp pain shot through my side.

Loki loosened his grip around my torso, thinking he caused the pain. I looked up at him and gave a reassuring smile, letting him know I'm okay.

I draped my arm over his shoulders and leaned on him for support as he teleported us back into the tower. More specifically, the med bay of the tower.

"Loki, I said I'm fine. You of all people should know that I will be healed in a few hours tops." I said.

"Let Banner do some tests and patch up what he can for the time being. Just because you heal quick, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." Loki commanded.

"Fine." I grumbled and sat down on the medical bed.

Bruce came in and did some tests and left. He returned a few minutes later with a clipboard.

"You have two broken ribs, a mild concussion, and a fractured clavicle. From what I have researched, you should recover completely in about four hours." He informed.

I nodded and Loki gave me an 'I told you so' look. I narrowed my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. He returned the gesture.

"I'm going to give you a splint for your shoulder and some pain meds for the concussion and broken ribs. It should do until your body heals. Until then I suggest you change back to your Jotun form. It should speed up the healing process." Bruce informed.

I nodded again. He came over and put my arm and shoulder in a splint and handed me a glass of water and Thor strength pain medication.

I tossed the pills into my mouth and pressed the glass of water to my lips. I took a big gulp and handed the glass back to Bruce.

"You're going to have a headache for a little while and your going to be sensitive to light and sound for a bit." He educated.

"Okay. Thanks." I said and got off the bed carefully.

Loki wrapped his arm around my torso once again as I leaned on him for support and he teleported us up to his room.

"You're staying here until you're healed." Loki demanded.

I huffed and sat down on his bed.

"If you want to heal quicker, change back to your Jotun form."

I dropped the illusion and my Midgardian persona faded back into my Jotun form.

I puff of green magic lit the nightstand beside me. A tray of tea appeared.

"Asgardian tea. It's sought to have some healing properties." Loki informed and sat the tray between us on the bed as he sat down next to me.

He poured some of the tea into one of the cups and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Hungry?" He asked.

I nodded. Another swirl of green magic washed over Loki's hand as a plate with chocolate cake on it appeared. He handed me the plate and I scarfed it down.

I finished drinking my tea and placed the empty cup back on the tray as a sudden wave of sleepiness washed over me.

"I forgot to mention that the healing property is not the only thing the tea holds. It also serves as a sleep induced drug." Loki gave a soft smile.

"You bitch." I joked quietly as my eyes became heavy and my head fell slowly onto the pillows behind me.

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