Chapter 5

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I woke up to knocking at my door. I didn't bother answering. They knocked again as I drifted back asleep.

The door opened and Thor came in.

"Y/n, wake up." He gently shook me.

"No." I mumbled.

"You start training today." He informed

"Since when?"

"Five minutes ago. Now get up or I'll throw you over my shoulder and carry you."

I didn't move.

"I warned you." He smirked and pulled the blankets off my body, tossing me over his shoulder.

I grabbed a pillow and hit him in the back with it. It didn't do anything.

"Quit squirming or I'm going to drop you." He warned.

"Put me down and we won't have that problem." I wiggled around more and dropped the pillow back on the bed before he walked out of my room.

We were met by Loki in the hall.

"Hello, Brother." Thor greeted.

Loki nodded his head in response, then looked up at me. My arms and head were dangling on Thor's back, my stomach resting on his shoulder as my legs hung over his front. I looked up to him and smiled.

"Brother, would you care to explain why you have Y/n, hanging from your shoulder?" Loki asked, intrigued.

"She wouldn't get up for training." Thor informed and carried on walking, Loki followed behind.

"Thor! Put me down! God damn it!" I exclaimed. "I can walk on my own."

"I know how this works, Lady Y/n. I put you down after you claim that you'll stay and then you run off as soon as your feet hit the floor. Loki has done it to me on several occasions. Except he usually teleports." Thor explained.

I gave up on fighting him and let my arms and legs fwump down against him. Loki let out a genuine laugh. He wouldn't admit it, but he found it adorable.

Thor walked into the gym and sat me down on my feet.

"Go into the locker room and change into something more suitable for training." Thor told me.told.

I came out a few minutes later in a pair of black leggings and a tight white tank top. "So who am I training with?" I asked as I emerged from the locker room.

"Your going to be doing hand to hand combat today. You'll be with me while in your mortal form and with Loki in your Jotun form." Thor informed.

I nodded and went over to the mats.

"Ready?" Thor asked.

"Bring it." I teased.

I swiftly dodged each one of his punches. He sent a right hook towards my jaw and I ducked before he could, leaving certain areas of my body vulnerable. He took this opportunity to swipe my feet from under me. I fell backwards and crashed into the mat.

"Fuck." I muttered.

Thor offered me a hand and I took it as he helped me up. "Always be one step ahead of your opponent."

I nodded. We did a few more drills before Loki replaced Thor.

I transformed to my Jotun form as did Loki. My skin turned back to its natural blue hue, my eyes were blood red, and my hair was back to its icy white color.

I watched as Loki's skin turned from its normal flesh tone, to blue, just like mine had. His eyes changed to red. He looked exactly like I did, just with raven hair.

We nodded at each other, signaling to the other that we were ready.

Loki made the first move, throwing a punch in my direction. I blocked it and kneed him in the stomach. He grunted and grabbed my wrist as I threw another punch, twisting it and flipping me around so he had me in a headlock. I bit his arm and he yelped as he drew his arms from around my neck. I froze the ground below him and kicked him in the stomach, sending him sliding and tumbling backwards on the now frozen mats. I walked over and straddled him, pinning his arms down while doing so.

"Okay that's enough. Y/n, you can let him go."

"Hey! That's not fair! She bit me!" Loki whined.

"He never said no biting! So HA!" I teased.

"Thor! She cheated."

"I did no such thing." I stated innocently.

"Did too!" Loki shouted.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You guys are such children. Loki, Y/n is right. I never said she couldn't bite you. So technically she didn't cheat and she won fair and square." Thor informed.

Loki huffed and shot Thor a glare.

"Let's go, I'm hungry. Kicking Loki's ass is harder than it looks." I teased.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Loki inquired.

I smirked and started to walk off, my Jotun form fading back into my mortal persona.

"Y/n! Get back here and tell me what you meant."


At this point I was already out of the gym and half way to the kitchen. I looked back to see if the gods were following me, Thor was but Loki wasn't. I turned back around, only to slam into someone. I looked up.

"Darling, you should really watch where you are going." Loki grinned.

I narrowed my eyes at him and walked into the kitchen.

Thor came in, grabbed the pop tarts from the pantry, and sat down at the island.

"Y/n, you should try some of these." Thor spoke and held out the box.

"Sure." I replied and took one of the packages from the box.

I unwrapped the pastry and stuffed it in my mouth.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"I know right!" Thor's voice boomed.

"Great now there's two of you." Loki grumbled.

I threw the empty pop tart wrapper at him and smirked.

He rolled his eyes and went into the living room to sit down.

"Where's the rest of the team?" I asked.

"Still sleeping." Thor responded.

"What time is it?"

"Almost 5 am."

"Why did we have to get up so early?!" I shouted.

"Because then we would have to wait to train since everyone else would be in there. Thus giving you more time to say no." He replied.


A slight thud came from the ceiling.

"Did you hear that?" Thor asked.

"Yeah." I responded and looked up. "What was that?"

"Don't mind me!" A voice yelled back.

"Clint?!" I laughed.

"Yep!" Clint cheered.

"What are you doing up there?"

"The usual."

"And that would be?" Thor asked.

"Ya know, just scoping the vents." Clint informed.

"Have fun, Barton."

"Will do!"

Thor and I broke into laughter and Loki rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I informed.

"See you later, Lady Y/n." Thor smiled.

I returned the smile and headed back to my room.

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