Chapter 13

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When we got back to the tower, Tony and Bruce went and did their own thing in the lab, Nat and Clint went off to improve their weapons, Steve went to the roof to do some sketching, and Loki, and I went with Thor to the living room to watch TV.

"I want to watch Aladdin!" Thor exclaimed.

"No." Loki grumbled. "I don't want to watch a guy sing about showing a girl his world."

"Well then what do you suppose we watch?" I asked.

"Not Frozen. You have made me watch that movie too many times over the last few years." Thor stated.

"I wasn't going to pick that." Loki responded.

"Then what were you going to pick?" Thor asked.

"I was going to pick the Fast and the Furious Saga." Loki informed.

I laughed. Loki looked at me and narrowed his eyes. "Okay then. That's what we will be watching."

Thor clicked on the first movie and started it. Loki summoned a bowl of popcorn for each of us and some candy as well.


"Jesse dies?!" Loki shouted.

Thor nodded.

"Why would you bring somebody into a series of movies just to kill them off in the first movie they're in?!" I yelled.

"I don't know Y/n. Now both of you, quit shouting and watch the movie." Thor directed.

The room fell silent and I stuffed a handful of popcorn in my mouth.


"That movie was outright stupid!" I exclaimed.

"That was completely unrealistic!" Loki shouted.

"I take it you guys didn't like the ninth movie?" Thor laughed.

I gasped dramatically. "Now where did you get that idea?" I asked sarcastically.

"That was a complete waist of my time." Loki stated.

"Jarvis, what time is it?" Thor asked.

"It is currently 4:23 am, Mr. Odinson." The body less robot man replied.

"I want food." I blurted as I stood up.

"You just ate 4 tubs of popcorn, 3 boxes of m&m's, an entire pizza, and 2 slices of chocolate cake. How are you still hungry?" Loki inquired.

"Don't pretend like you aren't hungry." I defended.

"I definitely am!" Thor exclaimed.

"You're always hungry." Loki grumbled.

"So are we getting food or not?" I asked.

Thor and Loki nodded and followed me out of the living room and into the kitchen.

Thor grabbed a box of Pop Tarts out of the cupboard and sat down at the island.

I grabbed a few boxes of cereal and poured them into a bowl, along with some milk before sitting down next to Thor at the island.

Loki summoned some non-drugged Asgardian tea and gave me some before sitting down and summoning his own meal.

A cracking sound came from the ceiling. We looked up as it caved in and Clint came barreling down, landing on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ow." He groaned and rolled onto his back.

"Are you okay?" I asked, hiding back a laugh.

"I'm great! Believe it or not, but that wasn't the first time that has happened." He stated as he got up and brushed the dust off his body.

"Why am I not surprised." Loki replied.

I let out a laugh. Tony came running into the kitchen.

"Frosty, Reindeer Games, Point Break, I need you for a mission. You'll leave later today and come back in a few days." Tony informed.

"What's the mission?" Thor asked.

"I need you to gather intel on this guy. He is supposedly working for Hydra and I've been told that he will be at an event tomorrow night. Reindeer Games, you'll be accompanying Frosty for this event. Nat is also coming so Thor will be accompanying her."

I nodded.

"Where is this mission?" Thor asked.

"Germany." Tony replied. "Go get packed. Your flight leaves in 5 hours."

We all scrambled of and went to our rooms to pack.


"Thor! Hurry up we're going to miss our flight!" Nat yelled.

Loki and I were already packed and waiting by the car for Nat and Thor to come.

"I'm coming!" Thor yelled ad he opened the door and ran down the hallway.

We all got into the SUV which someone named Happy was driving. Nat and Thor seemed to know him. Loki and I had no idea who he was.

Happy started the car and started the journey to the airport. Tony had booked us a public flight to draw less attention, however he did get us into first class.

Some point during the car ride, I fell asleep. I was woken up by Loki gently poking me on the shoulder telling me to wake up.

We all got out of the car and traveled into the airport. We waited a few minutes then boarded our flight.

I sat down in one of the seats and Loki sat next to me. Thor and Nat sat next to each other in the row across from us.

I tucked my legs up next to me and propped my head up with my hand as we all talk about the plan for the mission.

"Y/n, I feel like you and I should lure him in. Ya know, break away from the boys and go dance with our objective. He's most likely going to be handsy and shit but don't freeze him until I tell you to." Nat informed.

I laughed and nodded.

"Thor and Loki, you'll stand by while this is going down, don't interfere unless it's absolutely necessary."

Thor and Loki nodded.

We discussed the mission for a little longer before deciding that it would be a good idea to get some rest. It was an eight hour flight, after all, so we would have plenty of time to do get some sleep without any issues.

Thor was the first to fall asleep, then Nat. Loki was leery about falling asleep on a plane with mortals around he didn't trust, but eventually he fell asleep and so did I shortly after.

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