Chapter 27

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Once I heard Loki's door click shut, I slipped back out of my room and made a beeline for Nat's room.

I knocked on her door. She took too long to answer to I let myself in.

"Come i- okay then, just let yourself in." Nat laughed.

I walked over and flopped down on her bed.

"So how was your date?" She asked while smirking.

"It was amazing." I smiled.

"What did you guys do? I need details, woman!"

"He made me dinner, I took his helmet but he pulled me down into the snow and took it back, he set up a blanket, lanterns and snacks on his balcony and we watched a movie out there. And that's about it."

"Anything else?" She smirked again.

"Not really."

"Lies! Something had to happen. Not even a kiss? Make out session? Sex?" She wiggled her eyebrows while speaking.

"Natasha!" I exclaimed and covered my face with my hands.

"Give me something, kid!"

"Yes, we kissed." I laughed.

"Go on."

"We may or may not have made out." My face reddened.

"I know! Clint told me." She admitted.

"That little shit." I muttered.

"Don't worry I told him not to tell anyone else."

I nodded.

We spent the next few hours talking and joking with each other.


"What time is it?" I asked while yawning.

"Two minutes before midnight." Nat responded.

"Shit I gotta go!" I exclaimed and ran out the door.

"I'll...ask later."

I ran into my room and grabbed a few items from off my desk before sneaking into Loki's room.

I slowly clicked his door shut after walking in.

I stood with my back to the door and waited. As soon as the clock struck midnight, I ran over to his bed and jumped on top of him, blowing a party horn.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I exclaimed.

He jolted awake and sat straight up before realizing it was me and fwumping his head back down onto his pillow, fluttering his eyes back closed.

"Y/n?" He mumbled softly in a sleepy voice.

Holy shit that was hot.

"Happy birthday, Lokes." I smiled and readjusted the way I was sitting to where I was now straddling his upper thighs.

He gave a sleepy smile and slowly opened his eyes.

"Was that really necessary?" He asked.

"No, but I did it anyway." I flashed him a childish grin.

He let out a breathly laugh before reaching his arms out and resting his hands on my hips as I stared at him in admiration.

"What?" He inquired.

"You're cute when your sleepy." I responded.

The corners of his lips turned to form a soft smile. I let out a quiet but audible squeal as he snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me to him.

I wiggled underneath his blankets and intertwined our legs before laying my head on his bare chest.

I looked up and kissed his lips gently, then nestled my head in his neck and played with his hair.

He wrapped his arms around me to where one was around my shoulders and the other positioned so he could rest his hand on the back of my head and stroke my hair.

I wished him a happy birthday one more time before dozing off in his arms.


I woke up and tried to turn onto my side but I couldn't. I looked to my right and found Loki curled up next to me with his head on my shoulder and his arms tightly around my torso.

I smiled and gently stroked his hair from his face, admiring his perfection. I was snapped out of my gaze when Loki's eyes fluttered open, his red eyes meeting mine.

"Good morning." I said quietly.

"Good morning, Darling." Loki hummed and placed soft and short kisses on my lips before laying his head back on my shoulder.

"Do you want your birthday present?" I asked him.

"I'm comfortable, give it to me later."

I let out a quiet laugh before going back to playing with his hair. I picked up a few strands and started to braid them together.

"What are you doing?" Loki mumbled into my shirt.

"Braiding your hair, hold still." I ordered.

"Y/n, it's my birthday and you already gave me a heart attack by jumping on me with a party horn in the middle of the night, don't you think I've endured enough torture for one morning?"

"It isn't torture. No hold still or I'll make you."

Loki huffed and complied. Eventually, he gave up on hating it and melted at my touch, sinking farther into my shirt as a soft and quiet moan escaped his lips.

Loki's face reddened and he opened his eyes.

"Sorry." He muttered sheepishly as he lifted his head up slightly.

"It's okay."

I quit braiding his hair and put my hand under his chin, turning his head so his gaze was directed on me.

I looked into his eyes and leaned in, my lips colliding with his. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. I kissed his lips one more time before pulling away and attempting to get out of his grasp.

Loki had other plans however. He grabbed my waist as I got up and pulled me back to him. I fell backwards and landed on top of him, my back against his chest.

"Loki!" I laughed as he trailed short and soft kisses from my bare shoulder to my neck and jaw. "I have to get up and get your surprise ready!"

"Why can't you be my surprise?" Loki smirked.

I blushed and wiggled out of his grasp, running out of his room before he could grab me again.

"Stay in there until I say to come out!" I yelled from the hallway.

I could hear Loki's distinct laugh as I ran into Nat's room and asked her for a dress that I had seen yesterday. She handed it to me and gave me a set of matching heels as well. I thanked her and slipped into my room to get ready.

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