Chapter 29

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"Loki! Lady Y/n!" Thor greeted as we walked back into the excruciatingly warm cabin. "Would you like some dinner?"

"Sure!" I responded.

"Aren't you going to ask what they're having before you say yes?" Loki asked.

"Hey man, food is food."

Loki let out a quiet laugh before joining me in the kitchen. I piled some of the food Clint had made onto a plate before sitting down at the table with the rest of the team, Loki joining shortly after and sitting beside me.

Nat had snuck an entire bottle of wine in with her to drink with her meal. I laughed and discreetly slid my glass over to her. She poured some of the wine into my glass before winking at me and sliding it back to me.

I took a sip of the wine and shoveled some mashed potatoes into my mouth.

While I was distracted and talking to Nat, Loki secretly took my glass. I turned around just as Loki placed the glass to his lips and took a big gulp.

I narrowed my eyes at him and took my glass of wine back, sliding back over to Nat for her to refill, along with another glass for Loki.

"Y/n, you know you're not technically old enough in mortal years to drink yet." Tony spoke.

"Midgardian alcohol has little to no effect on me." I stated.

"You are still under the legal drinking age young lady."

"Fine, Dad. Is this better?" I let my mortal illusion diminish and show my true Jotun form.

"She's got you there Stark." Clint laughed.

"Can it, Barton." Tony rolled his eyes and went back to talking with Bruce.

Loki snaked his hand in my from under the table and laced our fingers together before sitting our hands in his lap, a smile spreading across our faces.

After a few minutes, Tony had downed an entire bottle of bourbon and was completely hammered. He was slurring his words and ranting about how he is the the superior Avenger. Let me give you all a little fair warning: when Tony is drunk, his ego and snarkiness sky rockets and he doesn't think before he speaks. He says the first thing that comes to mind and doesn't give a fuck how offensive it is to the person he directed it towards. What little common sense he has when sober, completely diminishes along with his smarts and when he's drunk.

Tony gasped drunkenly before speaking, "Reindeer Games is smiling for once! Planning to attack another city?"

"Tony." Nat warned and I shot him a glare.

"I'm just messing around. Y/n, does your boyfriend ever actually talk when he's not threatening people?"

"Stark." Loki growled.

Tony gasped. "He speaks!"

I threw my napkin down on the table. "Tony you better shut the Hel up before I make you!" I threatened.

"Calm your tits, Frosty."

"Excuse me? I don't think I heard you correctly. Calm my what?" I sassed.

"Oh you heard me correctly. Gotta have your girlfriend fight your battles for you, Reindeer Games?"

"Stark, speak one more word and the defenestration count will spike." Loki snarled.

"Y/n, tell him to shut up for me, would you, sweetheart?" Tony smirked.

Loki's face lit up with anger as he stood up and pushed his chair out of the way, making his way over to Tony.

He lifted Tony up by his neck after pulling him out of his chair.

"Come on, use your words." Tony grunted.

"Treat Y/n like she is your assistant again and I won't hesitate to gut you like a fish and throw you off of Vormir."

Tony scoffed and Loki threw him out of the window. He landed in the snow face first and groaned as Loki walked casually out of the room.

I quickly changed my clothes into something more comfortable before going over to Loki's room shortly. I knocked on the door and received no response so I let myself in.

Loki was sitting with his back to the door, sitting on the floor with his back up against the side of his bed.

I walked over and laid down on my stomach on his bed, resting my head in my arms.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yes." Loki responded.

"That was a lie."

"Is that all they think of me?"

"Are you seriously letting Tony get to you? He's a drunk asshole right now." I spoke.

"What difference does it make? No matter what I do to fix my past mistakes, they're all just going to see me as a villain." Loki's voice started to break and raise as he looked up to me with tears in his eyes.

"That's not true, Lo."

"Y/n, nobody actually wants me in their life. Take Odin and Laufey for example. I was left on a rock to die, Odin used me as some bargaining chip and treated me li-"

I crashed my lips into his, cutting him off mid sentence.

"You still believe that nobody wants you in their life?" I asked with a smirk.

"You're the one exception."

"Don't tell me I'm going to have to have Thor kiss you too."

"No." Loki stated firmly and laughed.

"Come here." I told him, rolling over and sitting up before propping myself up with pillows.

Loki stood up and laid down on the bed with me, wrapping his arms around my body and laying his head on my stomach.

I placed one of my hands on his back, drawing circles into his shirt with my finger, and the other on his shoulder.

He eventually fell asleep while holding onto me tightly, afraid if he let go I would leave him all alone.

I smiled to myself contently before falling asleep as well.

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