Chapter 3

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We walked out of the tower and Thor sat Loki back on his feet.

"Try to teleport and I will hit you with Mjolnir." Thor threatened.

Loki put his hands up defensively as a smirk spread across his face.

"Where are we going Thor?" I asked. We had been walking for a few minutes by now, making the occasional turn or crossing the street.

"The mall."

"What's a mall? I asked. Loki looked at me and shot me a confused stare.

"It's this huge building with stores everywhere." Thor answered.

"Sounds like a lot of people." I stated.

"There's a food court."

"I'm in!" I shouted. Thor chuckled and Loki rolled his eyes.

We walked for another few minutes before reaching a large building. This must be it.

"Ta da!" Thor said in a sing song voice.

He took both Loki and I by the wrist and pulled us through the various crowds of mortals. Finally stopping in a store with items of clothing from wall to wall.

"Pick what you like." Thor told me.

I nodded and went about, looking at all the racks and picking up things that peaked my interest.

I walked over to Thor who was waiting by the doors with Loki.

"I believe I need money." I stated and looked at Thor. He gave me a smile and handed me a small, rectangular, plastic card which had Tony Stark inscribed on it.

"How do I- Ya know I'll figure it out." I walked off to the check out counter and placed my items down.

"Did you find everything you were looking for?" The clerk asked.

"I believe so." I responded.

"Your total comes to $236.49." I handed her the card. "Credit. Okay."

She slid the card down the side of a little electronic box and handed the card back to me after the machine beeped.

She grabbed my items, placed them in a bag, and handed them to me.

"Have a nice day." She smiled.

"Thank you. You as well." I replied and met back up with Thor and Loki.

Thor was surrounded by a group of women probably in their early twenties taking pictures with them. Loki was standing off to the side rolling his eyes and scoffing.

Thor finished up taking pictures and walked over to Loki and I.

"Where to now?" I asked.

"Food court." Thor responded.

We walked for a few minutes and reached a large and open space. The scent of Midgardian food filled the air. We went over to one of the various suppliers to order.

Thor ordered for me, seeing as though I had no idea what I was doing, then ordered for himself. Loki did the same.

We waited for about ten minutes for our food to get done.

The man behind the counter handed the bags to Thor before walking off. We found a table and Thor handed me my bag and Loki his.

I pulled out the contents of the bag. There was a small white box and another one with an open top. I reached for some utensils but Thor stopped my hand.

"It's a cheeseburger and french fries, you don't need those." He informed.

I did as I was told and tried my best to copy Thor's eating style. Not such a good idea. I ended up with ketchup all over my hands and mustard on my face.

Thor handed me a napkin and laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"You have it all over your face." He said.

"I was copying you! How do you think you look?" I teased.

Loki rolled his eyes and interrupted. "Can we leave now?" He grumbled.

"Fine, Brother." Thor replied and stood up. He took all of our garbage and threw it in a bin nearby.

We walked outside and down the sidewalk, making small conversation, while we approached the tall tower once again.

We walked in and into the elevator, patiently waiting for the doors to reopen.

The doors dinged and we stepped out.

"Thank you, Thor." I told him.

"My pleasure, Lady Y/n." He smiled.

I walked down to what I assumed was the laundry room, shoved my new clothes in one of the machines, and pressed a bunch of buttons and turned some nobs before pouring some blue liquid stuff and pushing a few more buttons. I closed the lid and went back into the sitting area.

Nat and Clint were sitting on the couches, conversating. Tony and Bruce were no where to be seen. Probably in the lab. Steve was in the gym. And Thor and Loki were in their rooms.

"Hey, Kid." Clint greeted.

I waved and sat down next to him.

"How are you liking the tower and Midgard?" Nat asked.

"It's very different from what I'm used to. Everything in Jotunheim was, well pretty much frozen and it was always cold. Which felt good. Here it's really warm and exhausts me quickly. There's also more technology here. I don't know how to use anything." I laughed a little.

"I can help with that." Tony interrupted as he walked into the room. I nodded.

We spent the next few minutes talking about random topics until we were interrupted by a blaring alarm.

I jumped up. "What in the Hel?!"

"It's the mission alarm. It's okay." Clint informed.

"Speak to me J." Tony spoke.

"There seems to be a suicide bomber, wreaking havoc towards innocent civilians, downtown." Jarvis responded. I will never get used to that.

"Suit up!" Tony exclaimed.

"Y/n, you and Loki stay here. We'll handle this." Thor said as he ran into the room in his full Asgardian battle armor.

I nodded and watched as the team ran up to the roof and into the jet in which I had arrived in. The jet took off, leaving Loki and I alone in the tower.

I sighed and walked around the empty tower, trying to get a feel for where and what each of the rooms were.

I ended up back in the sitting area, finding Loki sitting peacefully on one of the couches with a book. He looked up as I walked in.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Hello." He responded.

I sat down on the couch opposite of him.

"You know, you're kind of strange." He informed.

"Gee, thanks." I smirked.

"No, I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just that you don't seem like you know your way around anywhere or with anything."

"That's because I'm not. I just came here yesterday."

"Came to the tower yesterday?" He inquired.

"In a way, yes." I replied.

He nodded and went back to reading. I got up and grabbed the remote off the table.

After many attempts of pressing random buttons, I figured out how to turn on a Midgardian film.

Loki and I sat in silence while he read and I watched the movie, waiting for the team to get back from their mission.

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