Chapter 14

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My head slid from where it was resting and crashed into Loki's. We both jolted up and held our heads.

"Ow." I groaned along with Loki.

"Attention all passengers...we will be landing in 5 minutes." The flight attended announced.

Nat woke up from the announcement and looked over to Loki and I, still holding our heads.

"What happened here?" She smirked.

"We headbutted." I explained.

"Mhm." She narrowed her eyes at me then winked.

I was about to say something but Thor interrupted with a yelling yawn before I could. He stretched and sat up.

"Do you always have to be so loud?" Loki snarled.

"Do you always have to be so grumpy?" Thor shot back.

"Attention all passengers...we have landed. Please grab your things and exit the plane." The attendant announced.

We all stood up and made our way to the exit, picking up our carry-on bags on the way.

We exited the plane and into the airport to grab the rest of our luggage.

Once we found our bags, we got into the car Tony had arranged for us to ride to the hotel in. Happy hadn't got onto the plane with us so it was a different driver.

Bright lights flashed on as we approached the large hotel. It was already dark and the moon was peeking from behind the dark clouds.

We got out of the car and grabbed our bags before making our way into the building.

(A/N: I don't know German and Google translate sucks ass so bare with me while I write everything in English)

"Do you have a reservation?" The receptionist asked very rudely.

"Yes." Nat responded.



Tony had given us all aliases and put the reservation under Nats alias so we wouldn't draw too much attention, even though Tony owns this hotel.

The woman behind the counter looked up at us for once and realized who Loki was. Even in Germany, the citizens new about the attack on New York.

Loki hadn't been announced as an official Avenger yet, so the public was still in the dark for the most part.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The woman announced.

"May I ask why?" I inquired as politely as possible.

"Do you not know who you're standing next to?" She asked.

"I do. And I'm not sure why that is any of your concern."

"He's a murderer and you're just standing next to him like it's nothing." Her voice was filled with disgust.

"Okay, listen here..." Nat interrupted and looked to her name tag. "...Johanna. I've only known you for about 4 very long minutes and in those 4 minutes I've figured out that you're a bitch who only cares about yourself. Given this information, I will be making sure that Tony Stark, aka the owner of this hotel, fires you for mistreating his guests and very good friends. Okay?"

The receptionist tossed the keys on the counter. "Here's your keys. Enjoy your stay." She put on a fake smile.

I grabbed one of the keys and Nat grabbed the other before walking odd to the elevator. Loki and Thor followed behind.

"Bitch." I muttered underneath my breath. Nat laughed.

"Natasha, you didn't have to do that." Loki assured.

"You're part of the team now which means we stick up for each other." She flashed him a smile.

Loki inclined his head, showing that he understood.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. We stepped out and walked down the hall to our rooms.

"We have two rooms, each have two beds. Who's sharing with who?" Nat asked.

"I am not sharing with Thor." Loki stated.

"I'll share with Loki." I told Nat and looked up to Loki to make sure it was okay. He gave a quick smile and nod.

"I don't mind sharing with Lady Natasha." Thor informed.

Nat nodded and unlocked the door to her and Thor's room as I did the same with mine and Loki's.

The bedroom had two beds with white comforters, a red blanket resting on the end, two white pillows and a smaller red one rested by the headboard. Each bed had a nightstand sitting beside it.. There was bathroom, a small closet, dresser, and a desk as well as a TV hanging from the wall.

I sat my bag on one of the beds, claiming it as mine, Loki did the same.

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure." Loki replied and summoned some snacks.

I grabbed a few boxes of candy and a tub of popcorn before flopping down on my bed and turning on the TV.

"What do you want to watch?" I inquired.

"You pick." Loki responded.

I nodded and scrolled through the movies until I found one I liked. I clicked on one titled Grown Ups and pressed play.


Our movie was interrupted by a knock at our door. I went over and looked to see who it was through the peephole. Seeing as it was Nat, I opened the door and let her in.

Nat came in and handed me a skimpy dress.

"I'm not wearing this." I told her.

"Yes you are. It'll get his attention and lure him in. Exposing a little skin never hurt anybody." She replied.

I gave her the 'are you kidding me' look. "You are forgetting I froze a man my first day on Midgard by touching his wrist."

Loki looked up at me with a surprised look. "You what?"

"I forgot to tell you...when I was sent to Midgard I tried tried save someone from getting hit by a car while I was still in my Jotun form. At that time, I hadn't known what would happen and I froze him from the inside out after touching his wrist. Then, he got hit by the car anyway. His body bounced off the car like a mannequin when kicked and when it landed it shattered into a million pieces, his now thawed blood puddling out onto the road." I explained, pausing a few times in attempt to stay calm.

Loki looked at me with reassuring eyes.

"Like I was saying...there is no way in Hel, I am wearing this." I veered from the previous subject.

"Yes you are. Now go to sleep. The ball is tomorrow afternoon." Nat ordered.

I admitted defeat and nodded, before kicking her out of the room and flopping back down on my bed.

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