Chapter 25

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"Darling, I would love to keep laying here with you, but I have to get up." Loki stated, rubbing my back.

We had gone through two movies, laying with each other and cuddling, not realizing it was already almost time for dinner.

"Whyyy?" I whined.

"I have to prepare our dinner arrangements."

"Five more minutes?" I mumbled into his shirt.

"Fine." He gave in.

I smiled widely and buried my face in his neck.

Loki sighed and wrapped his arms back around me tightly.

Ten minutes later Loki removed his arms from around me and sighed.

"You're not going to make this easy are you?" He laughed quietly.

"Nope." I responded and gripped onto him tighter.

He sat up slowly and wiggled out of my grasp.

"Hey! Get back here!" I shouted and stood up on my bed.

Loki started to head for the door but I jumped down and onto his back. He caught my me by my thighs and kept me from falling as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Y/n, one of these times I'm not going to catch you or you're going to miss my completely and faceplant on the floor." Loki stated.

"Yeah, yeah. Now, TO THE KITCHEN!" I shouted.

Loki winced. "Y/n! Quiet down you're right next to my ear!"

"Sorry." I whispered into his ear.

He laughed slightly and walked out of my room, heading down to the kitchen.

The rest of the team was in their rooms except for Thor who was in the living room, looking at something on a computer. He turned around when he heard Loki's footsteps.

"Hello, Brother, Lady Y/n." Thor greeted.

"Hey Thor." I responded.

Loki nodded in response and dropped me down off his back. I planted my feet and released my arms from around him.

I walked over to Thor and flipped over the back of the couch, landing beside him.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Thor asked Loki.

"Y/n and I have a dinner arrangement. I need you to keep her and the team out of the kitchen and surrounding rooms for the next few hours. I'll notify you when she should get ready." Loki informed.

Thor nodded and stood up, placing the computer off to the side, before throwing my over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Thor! I can walk!" I laughed.

"No. You will run back to Loki and try to see what he's doing." Thor stated.

"But I'm hungry." I whined.

"I have pop tarts in my room."

"Okay, but can you at least carry me to wear I'm actually comfortable and won't pass out from the blood rushing to my brain?"

Thor chuckled and switched me around in his arms to where he was carrying me in bridal style.

We reached his door and he walked inside, placing me on my feet after shutting the door.

He grabbed a box of Pop Tarts and tossed them to me before plopping down on his bed.

"So what are we gonna do for the next few hours?" I asked.

"We can play a video game if you want." He suggested.

I nodded and he got up, grabbing a controller for the both of us and turning on the game console.

I sat down in one of the bean bag chairs as Thor did the same. He showed me how to use the controller and what buttons did what in certain games.

"Wanna play Mario cart?" Thor asked.

"Sure." I agreed.

Thor placed the game in the console and started up the game.



"It's part of the game Lady Y/n. I threw it down to slow you down." Thor informed with a slight chuckle.

"I hate this game." I grumbled and tossed my controller to Thor.

"Miss Alderdottir, Mr. Laufeyson says to get ready for dinner." Jarvis spoke.

"See ya thor!" I said, walking out of his room and down the hall to mine.

I slipped in just as a flash of Loki's magic was disappearing. There was a small black gift box with a green ribbon sitting on my bed.

I walked over to my bed and pulled the ribbon off the box before opening it. Inside was a thin chained necklace with a emerald colored diamond pendant.

I picked up the necklace and sat it on my desk to put on later. I made my way into my closet and went through all of my clothes. Why didn't I bring anything nice?

I groaned and walked out of my room, going down the hall and knocking on Nat's door.

She opened it and let me inside.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"I may or may not have a date with Loki and I don't have anything to wear." I stated and paced around in her room.

She came over and placed a hand on each of my shoulders, stopping my pace.

"Chill out. I can give you something. We're the same size." She informed and led me into her closet.

She handed me various skimpy dresses in which I turned down before we finally found a dress that I liked. It was black, slim fitting, Cocktail dress with a laced neckline and sleeves. There was a matching set of gold, strappy heels as well.

This is gonna be fun. Someone start the How many times will Y/n fall on her face tonight tracker.

"I like this one." I said after trying it on.

"Me too. You look hot in it." Nat whistled.

"Thanks." I laughed.

"It also slips off pretty easily." She smirked.

My eyes widened. "Nat!"

She smirked again before leading me out of her closet to help me with my hair and makeup.

She did a light gold eyeshadow, some mascara and light eyeliner and a nude lipstick for my makeup. For my hair, she loosely curled it.

"You're all ready!" Nat informed and handed me a mirror to look at myself in.

"Holy shit! I look amazing!" I laughed.

"Damn right you do. Loki is going to be speechless."

I smiled and she pushed me out of her room.

"Have fun! Use protection!" She yelled down the hallway.

My face turned red as I continued walking, pretending to ignore her as I made my way downstairs.

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