Chapter 39

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"Y/n, you've been in a coma for two weeks." Clint practically whispered.

"What?!" I yelled and jolted up, grabbing my side which was extremely sore and bandaged.

Clint shot over to me and gently pushed me back down on the bed. "Take it easy kid. You need rest. The team is doing the best they can with trying to find Loki."

"I've been alseep for two fucking weeks. I'm going to find Loki."

"No your not, Lady Y/n. You need time to heal." Thor spoke firmly.

"Thor's right." A familiar voice came from the doorway; Bruce. "You suffered a major blow to the head, a few bone fractures, and you have a major cut going from your thigh to your underarm. Even with your super healing and in your Jotun form, it will take about a day to completely heal now that you're awake."

I dropped my mortal illusion and let my Jotun form shine through. Clint stepped back a little, seeing as though he was almost touching my bare arm and didn't want to risk turning into a human popsicle.

"Get some sleep, kid. I'll be here when you wake up. Thor will go help the team with finding Loki." Clint spoke.

I wiped the silent tears that fell from my face and nodded.

"Don't worry. We'll find him."

I smiled faintly and laid my head back down on the pillow before drifting asleep a few moments later.


I let my eyes flutter open. I was met by the plain white walls and huge windows of the tower's bed bay.

I looked to my right. Sure enough, Clint was right where he said he was going to be. He was sitting in one of the chairs, sleeping with his feet on the counter next to him.

I grabbed one of the extra pillows from behind me and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face. He jolted awake and rolled onto the floor.

I laughed and smiled slightly.

"How're you feeling?" He asked.


I lifted my shirt up a little and pulled the bandages away from my gash. It was completely healed and was reduced to a large scar. My head was still a little fuzzy but it was tolerable. I pulled my shirt back down and recasted my mortal illusion.

"Hey, Y/n." A young voice came from the doorway. Peter and Harley stood in the doorframe with awkward smiles on their faces.

Harley was desperately trying to look cool, however was desperately failing. He tried to lean up against the doorframe but ended up missing it and falling over. He shot back up and pretended like nothing happened.

I laughed and sat up a little in the uncomfortable medical bed, propping myself up with the pillows.

"We stopped by earlier but you were asleep." Peter informed.

"Where were you guys?" I asked.

"Tony said we aren't mission ready yet." Harley spoke.

I nodded and sat up a little more before Bruce walked in. He checked over my injuries and cleared me to leave. He pulled the IV out of my arm and let me leave.

I walked up to my room to take a shower and change my clothes. Once I came out of my closet, I looked to my desk and my heart sank.

The once frozen rose that laid in the display case, was now thawed and shriveled.

Tears filled my eyes as I stared at the flower in disbelief. No. Loki's gone and I couldn't save him.

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