Chapter 1

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Mortals die easily. Well, they freeze easily.
That's the reminder that goes through my mind on a daily basis. I hadn't meant to kill them. It was merely an accident.

My name is Y/n Alderdottir, a Frost Giant, exiled from Jotunheim when I was a teenager. Damn Laufey and his stupid ass rules. If you need clarification, Laufey is my father's "bestie," or so to speak. Laufey is also the king of Jotunheim. I know it's great knowing a king, right? Wrong. It fucking sucks.

As a child, my father was always helping Laufey with some off the book king shit. He never had time for me.

I never knew my mother. My father used to tell me I scared her away whenever I was born. Fucking loser. The real reason I never knew her, was because he killed her, after she gave him a daughter. Not a son, a daughter.

So when I was exiled, he didn't even try to stop Laufey. He just stood there and watched as I was sent off to Midgard. An immortal being with ice abilities on Earth? Yeah, then went splendidly.

Allow me to give you some incite on what happens to a mortal if a Frost Giant, in their full Jotun form comes into physical contact with them.

They freeze. Not figuratively. I mean they actually freeze.

I learned that the hard way.

I was 18. Well in mortal years at least. I had just gotten to Midgard and was walking down the busy street. I had no idea where I was going. Midgard was an entirely new realm in which I had never been before.

Everyone ran from me. I didn't look like them and they were afraid of me. I didn't blame them. I was a monster. The monster that parents tell their children about at night. They didn't care to hear what I had to say. They assumed the worst and ran.

I walked down the now bare sidewalk and tried to make sense of what was happening. I have no home. No family. Nothing whatsoever. And I'm stuck on a God damn alien planet.

He wasn't paying attention to where he was going. He was looking at something in his hands. He started to cross the street as a speeding vehicle came. I tried to save his life and pushed him out of the way of the car.

As soon as my hands touched his wrist to pull him out of the way, his body froze from the inside out and got hit by the car anyway.

I killed him. Anyone who was in nearby buildings or sidewalks fled from my sight. There was screaming, crying and a Hel lot of running.

A jet flew down from above and landed on the street in front of me. A small group consisting of five people filed out. There were four men and a woman. One of the men held a red and blue shield with a star on it, it looked like a giant frisbee. Another, had on a full metal suit. One guy had a bow and a quiver of arrows strapped to his back. The other had a hammer. The woman had on a skin tight cat suit and had a pistol in each hand.

"Stand down." The man in the metal suit spoke.

"I don't want to hurt anyone. It was an accident." My voice was shaky.

"Come with us, we can help you." The man with the shield informed.

I hesitated but got into the jet with them.

"Aren't we going to restrain her? She just froze a man." The metal man spoke again.

"She hasn't tried to harm anyone else so far. She said it wasn't intentional and I believe her as of right now." Frisbee dude replied.

"What's your name, Kid." The arrow guy asked.

"Y/n Alderdottir. Who are you guys."

"I'm Clint Barton." The guy with the bow responded.

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